Message | I couldn't read your blog over Christmas, but thanks for the good cry now. I missed you soooo much, and even though people say you still hve 4 other kids, any mother knows, it's not the same when one is missing!! That's how I felt this Christmas! Someone was missing, so it wasn't quite the same. Whether it was thoughts of you running around as an awkward preteen singing Feliz Navidad or fighting with Donna because you felt the oldest should come down the stairs before the youngest, I missed you terribly. Christmas was OK and I look forward to next year with you and hopefully, EVERYONE else in the family there for Christmas Eve. Why some people chose not to come this year is beyond me, especially being it was so hard with you away, but maybe they truly don't realize what a special family we do have and need to reevaluate their priorities. Either way, I LOVE YOU, and MISS YOU and my heart will remain half broken until you return!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! PS I am listening to the bose system, awesome.............thank you.................................... |