Message | All good things must come to an end. That's the saying that many have, but you are back home safely, and you have made a difference in the lives of the people in Iraq. Many may never notice what you did, but to those of us who are aware, we know that you stood your ground, and never once gave up on your beliefs. I will miss reading your blog, but a good thing didn't come to an end. You are still alive to see those who truly love you. Enjoy and treasure the moments that you have with your family. Many of us who have seen war, we know that it's nothing nice. I too will be praying for every soldier and family who was affected by this Iraq war. Let us move forward to progress this nation of the United States, by loving everyone. We are still separated by racism, sexism, elitism, but with one person loving everyone, change can come, so that we do not end up with factions like there are in many third world nations. We must unite and love each other, so that we win the war on terrorism. We may think that the Muslims in Iraq or the Middle East are terrorist, but everyday in this country there is a family that suffers from terrorism from citizens of this country. Jason to make a difference all we have to do is respect one another, guns will never bring peace, but love in our hearts makes true and effective change. We love you for your sacrifice, and I thank God thah you can be loved and love those that you are with, from this point on! Thanks a million times over, thanks! |