96 Ryerson Street Blog Guestbook

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Private Message added 03-16-07

NameSue Maloney
Messagesmilie Happy Birthday and Best wishes!!! What a glorious (almost) Spring day in which to celebrate. Your news is uplifting and encouraging. I'm glad for you and Chris. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.

Locationclick picture for more information

Hope you're having a great day. smilie (Sorry there's no B'day cake in the "smiley" choices so you just get the smile.)

NameLonnie L. Spikes Jr.

We only met once (Christmas party); it is good to be in the company of so many that cares so much for you. It is my pleasure to sign your guestbook.


NameArclancia Montgomery
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHappy Birthday, Frank
...your testimony is absolutely amazing...of course you would exceed and surpass all of your doctor's expectations because you are absolutely fabulous, and you have the Lord on your side!...We miss all of your wisdom and knowledge here at ACAP...Blessings & Increased Prosperity to you.

NameBill Bettyas
MessageIt's been a long 17 months since Oct 2005 - longer for you - maybe not (good drugs). So far you realized grand children, meditation class/practice, more drawing/painting, wrote a book, learned a new computer program, bought and learned how to use a new digital camera, mentored me and everyone else, and now I hear you're giving presentations at the hospital. And most of this was done from a bed or chair. Keep the quality of life going and don't try to do too much, but keep on keepin on. Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday my friend!!!! smilie

NameRandy de Mars
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Frank. Just got off of the phone with Bill Bettyas and he told me a little about your condition. So sorry to hear about your health issues. My sister was diagnosed with cancer of the bile duct last November....stage IV that had moved into her liver. She is going through treatment at Johns Hopkins and doing much better than they originally thought.

Amazing to think I have been gone from RCI for over six years. I am really enjoying working for WSU and will probably continue here until I retire. My son, Adam is in his 3rd year of Med School at the University of Washington and just called yesterday to say that he and his wife of five years are expecting their first child. It must have been the magic of MAUI, as they went there over Christmas on their anniversary! I remember you know all about Maui!
My daughter, Diannalynn had twin girls a year ago so she now has 5 children. They are building a new house in Tennino and move in sometime in March/April.

Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Miss seeing you and others of the GANG at ACAP. Take good care and do drop me an e-mail if you have a moment.

NameJoanne Kelsey
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Frank and family-

I came across your correspondence at my mother's (Mary Galiette) house. She has been in touch with Penny Kabisch and I know has some records of the Kabisch family tree. However, some of the details are not clear and I am not quite sure how we are related. My grandparents were Alfred and Carmella Kabisch.

I enjoyed your Christmas letter, although I am sorry to hear of your illness.

I would be happy to hear from you.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Merry Christmas!

Private Message added 12-15-06

MessageWe had some difficulties with the guestbook which are now ironed out. Please leave your messages here. You can make your note private, so only I can view it. Whether you mark your note as private or not, if you leave an email address, it can not be seen by anyone but me. Thanks.

- Frank smilie

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