96 Ryerson Street Blog Guestbook

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NameBill & Susan Bettyas
MessageHi Frank, Kris and Family,
We wanted to wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving holiday and hope that all is going well for you. Frank, your words of wisdom in your blog are inspiring. And Kris, I hope you are feeling better since your fall. May you all enjoy your day together and we will be in touch. Love, Bill & Susan

NamePat Devine
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Uncle Frankie,
Greetings from Maine! Thanks for this great site and your moving words. You are helping more people than you know with your courage, your strength, your humor and your honesty. God Bless you and the rest of the family.

All the best,


NameRich Kohl
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Uncle Frankie-

It's been a long time. Hang in there. We all are praying for you. This has bee a tough year for everyone I guess. Say hello to everyone.


Private Message added 11-06-07

Namevivian maloof
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Frank and Chloe
It was so much fun seeing you yesterday. You are doing so well Frank. I am inspired by your blog-I call it a journey in time. Whenever I feel low I read your story and it truly perks me up. I love Emerson and this piece is his best. Here is a little something for you:BONA RERUM SECUNDARUM OPTABILIA; ADVERSARUM MIRABILIA-THE GOOD THINGS WHICH BELONG TO PROSPERITY ARE TO BE WISHED; BUT THE GOOD THINGS THAT BELONG TO ADVERSITY ARE TO BE ADMIRED. FOR PROSPERITY DOTH BEST DISCOVER VICE; BUT ADVERSITY DOTH BEST DISCOVER VIRTUE.

Private Message added 11-06-07

NameTom Lee
Locationclick picture for more information
Message“Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.”

Frank, You inspired me with this qoute when I was a freshman at St. John's. I thought of it recently as I am going to "Man of La Mancha" this week. It made me think of you so I did a google search and found your blog. I always wondered what happened to you and Kris after you left and I was sorry I never had the chance to say goodbye. I thought the world of you and saw you as the kind of priest that I wanted to become.
I came close to becoming a priest, but celibacy eventually got in the way.My life has been extremely full as I have dreamed things and tried to make them a reality.
Drop me an email if you feel up to it...Tom Lee

Private Message added 10-18-07

Private Message added 09-30-07

NameLynda Phelps
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust finished reading your "book" and I must say to you "GO FRANK!"!!! What a captivating journal of your Cancer journey. God is so not done with you yet!

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Lynda, your neighbor in Madera smilie smilie

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