Sands Contest Group Guestbook

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MessageThanks for the QSO Andrew. Very pleased to catch the station. All the best from the South of France.
Dave F5VLT

NameJohn Earnshaw
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MessageWell done guys nice site it was a pleasure as always to work you.Qsl via bureau.Hope to chat on LD soon now back been active .PS How did G0YLM get on with PSK when we last spoke she was just getting started.
Good DX
John Earnshaw
Ride The Waves And Make New Friends
Packet M0JFE@GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU
EMAIL [email protected]
mobile 07940815659

NameLinda G0YLM
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MessageQSL cards for september 2006 are at the buro and are being sent out
88 and good DX

NameDavid L. Burk - w8iii
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Messagesmilie I was just wondering if your QSL cards have been sent out yet for your September 2007 Island operation. I tried an email to you org, but bounced. It was real nice to work your island operation and look forward to a QSL card, as I am in your log on September 27, 2006. Gud DX to your team and tnx for making IOTA fun for us. David

NameEyran _4X4-2238
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Nice to see the HP here ! vy interesting Group !
i got here from the HamPlanet page .
Keep up your good job with Contests , hope to log you guys one day .
Best 73 !
Eyran 4X4-2238

NameEdwin Schuetz - HB9ZAP/p
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MessageThanks for the QSO of today. I activated SOTA-Mountain HB/AI-012 Wesen/Saul.
10 cows stood around closely and wondered what I was doing there. My rig : IC-703/10 W and a inverted-V, 8 m above ground. Wish successful contest.

NameIvan G3IZD/N3ZD
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MessageMy first visit to such a site as this, very interesting. Good luck in your contesting, across the Bay in Furness we will continue competing with you in the RSGB Club Championships.
Cheers all, Ivan G3IZD

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MessageAn interesting site.You are enjoying radio. Just to nit pick can I point out that 1807 was the abolition of the slave trade. Unfortunately the poor slaves had to wait another 26 years before slavery was abolished and that was only in the UK and colonies.
I have been to the same site on Mull and it is great for HF but mainland UK is difficult for VHF. Great for EI/GI and a rare WAB square.
Wish you success in 2007.

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MessageNice one G1ock

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MessageThere are a few guys on that video that could do with a visit from G4vct and his clippers smilie

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