Sands Contest Group Guestbook

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NameDavid Stringer
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MessageBest of luck with the expedition. Have a great time.

Dave M3ZCX

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MessageTnx Steve for the the QSO and de newe island eu-008.Your signal was very loud this morning.The weblog looks very complete !!
73's Johan PD2DX smilie

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MessageMany thanks for the QSO. Have fun and good DX !

Best 73, David

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MessageHi all
Glad you have arrived and that everything including the weather is going OK
Will be watching over the week and hopefully hear you on one of the bands
Take care and have fun smilie

Namewilfred PD0WHE
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Messagehey guys i have a nice copy to you, just worked for few minutes ago...

73's good dx

wilfred pd0whe smilie

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MessageGood show gents!

NameBrian Walker W.A.R.C.
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MessageWould i go with you lot to Jura !!!!!!
Yes of course i would but illness prevents me,
but i wish the Sands Group and W.A.R.C
nothing but the very best of 73 & 88 Linda
Brian Walker G0OMB/G8RZ,HON PRES. W.A.R.C.

NameCharles 'OXO'
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MessageNice to work you in IOTA, I enjoyed it more this year than ever too. Hope your scores were Ok but its the taking part that really counts. Good luck to all at 'Sands', speak AGAIN soon, kind regards, Charles MØOXO

NameBarrie Cartledge
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWhat a great site, never knew your contest group existed.

Its with living near Ingleton, we get to know nowt out here.

Good luck in all the contests that you take part in.

Best regards

Barrie G1JYB

NameMrs Elaine Cowie
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MessageHi this is John Davies daughter. Thankyou for your comments.

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