Hi everyone - thanks for viewing Michelle's South American Adventures!  Please sign the guest book, letting me know what you are up to as well as an email address so I can keep in touch!  Hope all is well!

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NameEmily Litka
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateSouth Bend, IN
MessageMiss you Michelle! Come back to Rum Runners with me and Colin!!!! Have fun, be safe and don't come back with any strange diseases!!

NameCarrie Arnold
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateMaryville, Missouri
MessageHey Michelle! I hope you are doing well in South America. I am sure everyone is so proud of you! I am still in school in Maryville. Should be student teaching next year if all goes as planned. I hope you have a great time there and be sure to stay in touch! Wish you the best Michelle!

~Carrie Arnold~ smilie

NameStephen Caruso
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StatePhoenix, AZ
MessageHey Michelle,
I got your message on facebook a while back and being the procrastinator (sp?) that I am, just now got to your blog. Per usual, you never cease to amaze me. Every time I check on what you are up to it makes me realize how wrapped up I am in my own existence. For example, I spend my day talking about upgraded cabinets and home inspections (I'm a realtor now, by the way) and you are spoon feeding orphans in the third world. hahah. I would like you to know that out of everyone I know, no one person continues to impress me more than you. I feel like I have come a substantial way in life compared to most of us (PHS people), but you consistenly trump my every move. hahah. Anyway, I'm sure you're doing amazing in every way, so I'll skip wishing you well all together. j/k Have a great time and keep me updated. Thinking of you...Stephen

NameCatherine Bradley
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateChicago, IL
Messagemichelllllllle! sounds like youre having some crazy south american fun over there. i just wrote you an email also so check that out. have some foriegn fun for me and ill eat some deep dish chicago style pizza for yousmilie smooches!

NameAmie Hull
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateElmo, MO
I talked to Rachel and got this from her! How is everything going?? well I see that everythings going just darn good for you. that's awesome. I'm so excited for you! I miss everyone as well as you a bunch! keep in touch! talk to you soon! Amie

NameKathy Peery
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateNorth Kansas City, MO
MessageHi Michelle,

I just finally got around to reading your blog. Sure hope you've had a safe trip. I know it's been awfully long. I'm so excited for you...it's just amazing that you are getting the chance for such a fantastic life adventure. I'll keep you in my prayers. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Wishing you all the best,

Kathy Peery

NameAmy Cavender, CSC
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateNotre Dame, IN

see what happens when you run into people? When did I see you--less than an hour ago? And it took all of about 30 seconds to find your blog, once I looked.

I'll look forward to reading it regularly--and enjoy your time in Chile!

NameSusan Mitchell
Current City and StateSt. Louis, MO
MessageHey girl...just wanted to let you know I passed my boards..I am an RN!! Yahhhhh! I miss you tons and hope all is well with you!!

NameJennifer Fletcher
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateFort Wayne IN
MessageHope you are having a great time! I was at SMC today as well. I must of missed you though.

NameAlicia Witt
Locationclick picture for more information
Current City and StateBonner Springs, Kansas 66012
MessageWe are so very proud of you Michelle. We pray for your safety and health. May God bless and keep you safe as you pursue your goal. Love you Lots!!!!!!

The Witts
Uncle Curtis, Aunt Alicia, Katelynn and Shelby

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