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NameKyar Hei
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI love this web site Because it is helpful to know about Karen in other country. Everytime Karen people in the State of Massachusetts USA, they do not have interpreter to Karen, we only have Burmese interpreters. Some family are very poor to understand Burmese.

Namejohn snyder
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat web site. I hope to learn to speak and understand Karen. Then when I visit I can learn even more. Be Blessed to All john

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MessageGreeting from Canada.
One of the greatest karen educational and culutral resources from this site.

NameSaw Kyaw Zwar
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MessageThis web is a precious thing for our Karen people both inside the country and in other countries.Every Karen should visit this page and learn his/her own traditions, culture and literature that are not able to find in our country.

I thank God for creating such a chance for our new generations and I also thank the Drum Publication Group for their generous deed for our people. smilie

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MessageI love this website smilie

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May God continue Bless to u.

With love
Jaruni Poe

Nameaye myint
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Messagewhere do you live ?
nice to know how to learn karen smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameSaw Gay Nay Taw
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThis website is really helpful and i appreciat that. God bless all people in Drum Publication Group.

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Messagethis is a good thing for me because i don't really read Karen much when i in USA. Now i can read a litter bit to remind me Karen language is my first language. smilie smilie

NameKaren Family
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageIt is a helpful website for all the Karen People as well as those who want to learn Karen Language. We can get many thing about the Karen People in this website. Thanks to the Drum Publication Group.

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