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NameDennis J Clarke
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MessageI am a Boy Scout leader in Hartford,Connecticut, USA. Your website is invaluable to us and the Sgaw Karen scouts of our troop. Thank you for all that you do.

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MessageHi, I like this website. It is good and I saw and read information about the Karen people in Burma. I also listen music, read about Karen history, Karen culture and Karen traditional. I also listening radio in this website. It is interesting website and I hope God will bless Karen people all,God will give Karen people peace,freedom and human rights in Eastern Burma in Karen area.Thank you very much.

NameMary Moo
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MessageHello, I really like this site and it is really helpful. Keep up all the great work that you guys did on this site. The dictionary was really helpful. I am really grateful for the stories, which are all in Karen, and the history of the past. I am 14 years old here in US for almost 4 years and this site helps me to still know my language and words. I am also looking forward to the future that you guys going to add a new stuff and helpful, just like now smilie wish you good luck! once again I am appreciate it. Thank you! smilie

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MessageThis is the best everyone.

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MessageI just ant to say thanks for your help to the Myanmar community, this web page is so helpful, i am from Mexico and i am trying to learn Karen Language smilie

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Messagesmilie smilie I love my Karen people in my heart. All looks nice.

Namesher gay wah
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MessageI came to the USA I learn more English. I miss all Karen people in the world. Thanks for read. smilie smilie

NameMaw Eh Kree
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Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie
I'm Maw eh kree. I am in high school.
3 years ago I came to the USA, with no English, I have been learning three years and i'm now making good grades. In schools ,i am very proud of my self.
Thanks to this country....
I Love everything smilie smilie

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Messagesmilie Thank you for all of this.

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My lovely Karen,
smilie i love it . Thanks for have drum publication group Karen. Thank for help each other about this.
May God bless all Karen people in the world. smilie

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