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Nameshee dream
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Messagesmilie hi every i also thank you drum publication group.
i am very happy because i use to find the english dictionary with karen lenguage.I would like to you guy to put the difficult meaning of the word like the long latter like specification. I also thank you again and may God bless you DPG alway.

thank you very much

Namea lit
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Messagehi every one.. how are u.. can u tell me how can i get Karen dictionary .some word i read but i do not understand . so i want to buy ok , have a good day . bye bye see u smilie smilie smilie

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Messagesmilie I am looking for Karen Fonts to download. It will be great if your website provide those kind of stuffs. Anyway, thank you very much for your great effort.

From Drum: Fonts are available on this web site :

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Messagei really enjoying this website and i like the speak karen home and thank to this website!!! smilie

NameKle Thu Po
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MessageI love this website. May God bless my people. smilie

Namesaw 34
MessageThanks : DRUM PUBLICATIONS smilie

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MessageThanks for your great information, especially the dictionary. I am an ESL teacher. My student asked me if I could find him a Karen-English dictionary. I was having a difficult time finding one that he could use easily. Your dictionary should be very easy to explain. Thanks so much! Keep adding words! Many Blessings!

Namecaroline htoo
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MessageI'm really love this website smilie ..and also thanks for making it....i love to learn English words a lot so I'm always to in this page every day.......
love my Karen people . smilie
thanks for every thing that u guys did it is a great work keep it up my Karen people smilie

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Messagesmilie smilie thxx for put the dictionary

NameMariya lay
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Messagesmilie this is the best ever site. I am in BHS and help show this site to all ESL students who came to the US. This site so helpful to us and even me, I have to use this site too.
thanks you soo much you who made this site. You are the best and have a good luck

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