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Private Message added 2006-04-15

MessageHey you seen

Check it out


Namedani c
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageor8 craig i was jus wunderin wen u will b ridin barnsley town agen.i no i keep askin bt still anyway keep up the gr8 ridin. plus am adcicted to tht cls never seen the music an ridin is sick man keep it up an never stop goin 4 thm huge gaps

Namedani c
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageor8 craig i was jus wunderin wen u will b ridin barnsley town agen.i no i keep askin bt still anyway keep up the gr8 ridin. plus am adcicted to tht cls never seen the music an ridin is sicl man keep it up an never stop goin 4 thm huge gaps

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Messagenw craig im a gd fan of urs gd luk with da new vid cya

Private Message added 2006-04-12

Namecraig (
Locationclick picture for more information
im a rider from the south coast and just thought id sign ur guest book! gd luck with all that u do.

bike bye !!!

Namejonny greenwood
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageUr a shithot rider m8 a tryin 2 do sum walls bt a cnt get 2 pedal or 2 bash guard on sum of em! n e wayz ur sytez swnd

NameJoury van der Heul
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Craig

Your a awesome street rider. I have a question, dous anybody know what the titel of the song is in Zoo_video-27 with Yao Zhi. Keep on the riding!!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi do you have new style film i want to know so .

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