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Messagewow, omgosh!!!!!!!!!!!! you no ride any more?????????? wowwww riceee

MessageWe surround ourselves with noise, because we are uncomfortable with silence. We fill our lives with distractions, because we are reluctant to confront our true selves. We make sure that there are plenty of things to keep us entertained, so we don't have to just sit and think. Yet in the silence, away from the noise and distraction, there is a beautiful person. Every now and then, get quiet and just listen to the real person inside of you. That person knows your deepest secrets and your most treasured desires. That person still knows the wonders, the joys, the innocence of childhood. That person has the courage to dream big dreams. That person doesn't need a constant sound track -- that person has substance. Take a quiet walk, now and again, with the real you, who lives beneath all the everyday distractions. Find strength, courage and insight in the beautiful person you are.

MessageBetter to work for than to fight against. Better to create your own market, than to go against the competition. Better to promote your own cause, than to fight against another cause.

When you fight against something, even if you win, you only break even -- and strengthen the resolve of your opponent.

Some fights are necessary. When you're attacked you often have no choice. Yet fighting will rarely get you ahead. The biggest winners transcend the fight, and make their own way unopposed. The best athletes barely notice their opponents. The most successful companies focus on excellence, rather than on the competition. The winner of the race never looks back.

When you have a choice, choose not to fight. Rather, find a way to make your own rules. Defeat your opponents by ignoring them as you make your way to the top.

NameRay Ray
MessageHey just checking ur site out

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagemiss you miss your "AT" Miss your yike LV soapy

Messagehey could you stick a link on your site to mine please:

cheers, josh.

Messageace riding keep it up!

Namegrant n luke love trialing
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi craig u r very good at trialing like sum ov the vids on here i av seen them all now im going to try and try some stuff of ures

Nametom tom
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi, great site. could you send me some pics big enough for a desktop, some pics with alot of expression in them, really showing what a decent trials rider can do

Namejohn b-p
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi im lookin for some high quality pics pleese can you or somone send me some (of craig)

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