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NameRobert Parreco (Porreco)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYou have a wonderful website! I am seeking information on my grandfather, Antonio Porreco. He was borm Jan. 1, 1890 and was from the province Campobasso. I would like to see if there is family still in this province. So far I am unable to determine this. I see there is a surname of "PORRECA" affiliated with Torricella Peligna, but I don't know if there is an association with my family. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

NameRobert DeVito
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSeeking Federica DiSangro from Hotel Cape. Federica, please email Robert DeVito at "[email protected]", grazie mille!

Locationclick picture for more information
Un saluto a tutti i Torricellani sparsi nel mondo, ma che pensano sempre al nostro amato paese!!
Io sono nata a Roma, ma mio padre e' di Torricella e mia nonna vive li.
Non rinuncio mai l'estate a Torricella e neanche l'inverno, perche' torno molto spesso.
Quando respiro l'aria del mio paese mi sento rinascere sia dentro che fuori....
Continuate cosi perche' questo sito e' bellissimo!!!


NamePaul Corbin
Locationclick picture for more information
I really enjoy your site.
Very informative and useful for anyone researching Torricella Peligna. smilie

NameBoni Teti
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour town is so beautiful - I hope to visit some day. We plan to travel to Italy next year so maybe we can include Torricella Peligna. My grandfather, Antonio Teti, was born in Torricella Peligna and emigrated to the US in about 1911. He traveled with his father, brother and some cousins. His father and brother (Mauro?) returned to Italy. I know he had at least three sisters and two brothers. I hope to find someone that I'm related to or someone that knows about my family. If so, please contact me at [email protected]

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCiao a tutti !!!

E' nato il gruppo-forum yahoo di Torricella Peligna.

E' il luogo di incontro di chi ama torricella e la sua gente e vuole creare una rete di contatti al fine di incentivare l'interesse sulle nostre origini e per tenere viva la memoria storica del Nostro Paese.

Per iscriversi al gruppo (già attivo) è necessario andare sul seguente link :

Invitiamo tutti gli interessati ad iscriversi al più presto e a contribuire attivamente al gruppo attraverso la proposta di nuove tematiche ed iniziative.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCiao, bella homepage, complimenti! Un saluto, Mario.

NameAngela Di Berardino
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Carol D'Orazio,

One way to get a Certificato di Nascita for your father or grandfather is to write to the Archivio di Chieti. They will issue it to you but I don't know if there is a charge. I am going there on Tuesday and can ask. The other way would be to write to the priest of the parish, Don Nerio, but he is less than helpful, and so you would not have any luck there.

The address is:

Archivio di Stato
Via Ferri, 25
66100 CHIETI

I'll be in touch. Angela

NameAngela Di Berardino
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMon Cher Ugo,

Hier j'ai parle avec ton parent Maria Palizzi que abite a Colle Zingaro. Lei si e ricordata de te, ma mi ha detto che non ha piu il tuo indirizzo o il tuo numero di telefono. Ora ti do il suo numero di telefono: 39 0872 968241

Lei e sposata con Angelo D'Angelo.

Bon chance! Angela

NameCarolina Dorazio
Locationclick picture for more information

Hello there!!

Well I am so happy I found your website! I hope you can help me getting what I need!
Here is the thing: My greatgrandfather Nicola (Antonio) Dorazio, son of Domenico Dorazio and Concetta Troilo Dorazio, was born in february 9 of 1878 in Gessopalena, Chieti, Abruzzo.
He immigrated to Brazil together with his father: Domenico in january of 1896. But his father Domenico went back to Italy two years later, leaving him in Brazil, where he lived until he died in 1964 ( 86yold).
I would like to find out my relatives back in Italy, to help me out getting my greatgrandfather's birth certificate ou baptism certificate, wich i need for my italian citizenship process.


I appreciate you attention!

Hope to hear from u soon!

Carolina Dorazio - Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brasil
[email protected]

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