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NameMike Hatalovsky
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThe JoBoxers was one of the greatest, most underrated bands EVER! I have been obsessed with "Just Got Lucky" since 1983, and I'll never get tired of it! That bass playin' is one of the best grooves ever written. And of course I dig Dig's lyrics!

JoBoxers KICK ASS!!!!

NameMike Hanagan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Lads

Thanks for the music you have given us over the years - I guess we JUST GOT LUCKY and i hope that we may see the likes of you again...NA.... There is one one Joboxers (well 5).

I'm still doing the BOXERBEAT after 20+ years.

Regards as always

Mike smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameJoey's Girl
Locationclick picture for more information
Message"Just Got Lucky" was a fave dance tune in college. It still makes me happy and makes me dance about! Thanks for such a great tune!!!

Glad to see that Dig is still doing music. Come to Austin, TX!

Private Message added 2007-10-15

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI saw you cats back in 1984-ish in LA. I was terribly in love with Dig and couldnt wait to see Boxerbeat performed live (all the way from the balcony seats I had!) Loved you then, still rocking Boxerbeat to this day! "Just got lucky" still #1 smilie When can we get the videos?

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust looked you guys up on YouTube and was treated to the fantastic foot stomping "just got lucky" - Boy this brings back great memories.
Hope you can organise a few gigs soon - it would be pure class !!

Private Message added 2007-08-26

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Messagei played in a band with sean before he left the midlands. he had hair down to his arse, and played so well for a a kid in 1976. the funny thing is, i left england after playing in a band with sean and mike and marcus smith only to return to the states and play "just got lucky" on the air on my radio show in detroit...then of course when the band came to town..interviewed them on the air. it wasn't until i called mike smith in bristol later that day that he riminded me the the rockstar i had just interviewed earlier was actually some one i had actually played in a band with 4 years prior.

all the best to you sean and rob as well.

look me up when you are in san diego.

mike smith has my info.

michael halloran

Private Message added 2007-08-20

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MessageHi boys remember great times back in '83 when you put me and my friend jo on guest list for gig phoenix, tottenham court road. Thought wewere bee knees at after show party and sean gave us lift home {crazy driver} also saw you off at airport shortly after. now 40 but still have great memories. T smilie hanks boys. just got lucky always been my fave, my kids love it too. love to you all.

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