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NameDave Fisher
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MessageI saw the "Just Got Lucky" video the night before I took the SAT's--I sang the tune in my head thru all the morning and did great! Thank you Joboxers for my continued education, "I'm feelin' easy and I'm feelin' jake"

Namejohn jenkins
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MessageI remember buying your first two singles, you are a superb band by any standards. Great writing and great playing. There is little that I have heard today to touch you. Your music will never date. Just had to say.

NameDavid Baldwin
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MessageOver 10 years ago I started to build a collection of my favorite songs heard over the years. "Just Got Lucky" was one of them. It took me nearly six months to find this song. I had nothing to go by. i did not know the lyrics or the artist, just a melody of this song from 1983. I never heard it played again on our American radio stations after the mid 80's. Now I am glad that I found it. It is such an exciting and feel-good song, and I play it regularly as if it is new again. I also like the JoBoxers and their other songs like "Is this the first time". I wish them well on their future.

Namejude calvert-toulmin
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Messagehi lads, long time no see! i was your manager ian's neighbour and i used to hang around with stewy matthewman and paul denman, and used to go down the dirt box and the wag club, remember? (actually ive set up a facebook group for the wag if anyone is interested.) anyway it all seems like a very long time ago now and it's great to see that you're all still doing stuff smilie

i've come on here to say hi as i've linked to this site from an article i've just written on my art and music blog, an article which only mentions you briefly as it's about my new novel "mother-in-law, son-in-law" (i'm a full time author now.)

i can't post a direct link on this guestbook but if you google joboxers jude it's the first result.

i'd love to track ian down as we were good mates but i can't even remember his surname now, tsk!

best wishes, anyway smilie

jude xxx smilie

Private Message added 2008-07-05

Namemike burk
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Messagealways loved these guys/regret never seeing them.....believe Bostock did some Style Council work

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MessageWhat a blast from the past...I was the little boy sat in the buggy catching the fifty pence in the Boxerbeat video. It was literally one of my earliest memories, a freezing cold day at a cafe in London, and on top of that long cold day, I wet myself!!!!

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MessageHey, loving the new picture on the front page. How much shit has Sean got in his hair?


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MessageHi guys!

The 14 june Kajagoogoo are back together live in denmark. Later in august Stray Cats are in Stockholm. Come on guys...

Get back together again!!!

We are waiting to come to Your shows...

Greetings from Halmstad, Sweden


Namejulie in newcastle
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagepk, we are still waiting for you guys to do a gig again, hope you are all ok and hello to karen, jacki and carol, hi gals, we 41 now but still boxerbeating....lol great memories and must download some photo`s at some point, hi slip and all who sailed in the boxers ship...what great times and digs hat collection was summick else...
just tell us where and when guys.....( taps finger waiting !!!!!!!) xxxx :

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