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MessageHello ladybug1580!

Thanks for stopping by! Please let me know if you start a blog, I would love to see it! Keep checking back on my blog, I've been a little sick lately, but I hope to be back up to blogging speed soon!


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MessageWell, I just stumbled upon your blog and will start following it. I don't have one of my own but maybe some day. I just wanted to say that any body that likes dogs as much as I do is ok in my book and it looks like you really love yours. It always makes me happy to see that there's more of us out there.

Private Message added 2006-02-07

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MessageOh my gosh, look at the mess! Typical APBT though. I know of one who ate a washcloth, soap, plastic razor handle, and a toothbrush then threw it all back up. And my boy Cyclone ate 2 rocks then I had to take him to the emergency vet for x-rays. Then took him home and he threw them up. They are such tough little dogs with such a big heart. Talk at ya later!

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MessageHi Fee! Thank you for visiting! You're right they are great dogs! Especially in the hands of responsible owners. I'm glad to know that there are others out there that are looking out for the well being of our precious pups!
Have a great day!

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MessageI also live in NC and have 2 apbt's. They are my kids and such wonderful dogs. I also have 3 cats, 1 cockatiel, and a chihuahua. Your website is great- people who think pits are vicious should see your baby playing with the boston terriers. I am a member of the HSUS and am always sending emails to congress about the welfare of our dogs and all animals. We have to stick together for the future of our breed. Good work with the website!

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MessageGood Job!!
Loving having your Mom here (may just keep her)
But you can visit any time.
All the Best!!!

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MessageHi David!!!

Thanx for visiting! You'll have to send me some pictures when you're out there training those guys!


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MessageHello Shane & Cierra!!!

I can't wait to get to see you all again!!!

Love you!


Messagenice pictures.

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