Atty. Ralph Sarmiento's Guestbook

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Nameatty kareen l. lucero
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Messagehi atty. ralph, i was literally "forced" by my classmate atty. gretchen to check your website, she said its very cool and helpful and the forms will help us a lot, well..after all the "forcing", i did check it and i didnt know its such a great work...
congratulations! your website is a fresh breath to the legal profession where all you see are boring words from different books. this is truly a breakthrough to the legal community..
a lawyer and a computer whiz??hmmm..not a bad combination..
Good luck and more power..continue updating your website..your fan atty gretchen <and now me..hehe> will always be here to praise it! smilie

Messagereally... having "everyone's legal forms" is comparable to having a lawyer at work... without having to pay any fees... smilie

it's people like you who makes life easier for us.... smilie

Nameatty. josemar albano
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Messagehello sir...nice program for everyone's legal forms...i had a problem with my installation...hope u can give me another activation code.

NameAtty. Glenn M. Mortel
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Great to have chanced upon your web site.

Surely your site will go places and faces.

Keep it up Paniero. smilie

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MessageI am an avid fan of I-debate. I like the discussions and especially the debate part. Your website is equally entertaining.

Thank you for sharing your ever-flowing knowledge with us during our college of law years.

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Messagejust "google-ing" at random.

thanks for the important lessons during law school days... hope the expression of gratitude is not too late.

god bless!

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Messagehi sir. help...any info about writ of amparo???thanks... smilie

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MessageThank you for being here! smilie

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MessageHi, Good Day Sir!

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to download "My Bar Notebook."

Your website is so great..... smilie

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MessageGOD bless those people who stand by their priciple and who are responding to the call of their conscience...keep it up sir

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