Atty. Ralph Sarmiento's Guestbook

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Namereynante l. gungon
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagethank you very much! I like your website. Law studes need to be informed that there exist this kind of website which cater to law studes and future bar examinees. God willing, i will take the bar next year(2008). In His time, i will become a full pledged lawyer.

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MessageI came to know of this site from a link forwarded by a friend (who is now a lawyer) from UP Law. He told us that the advice/suggestions and other informations contained in this site were of immense help to him when he took the BAR last year.

Hope I can get my unlock code soon. Thanks Atty. Sarmiento for creating this great and helpful site.

God Bless and more blessings! smilie

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MessageThe leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day.

thnx for your site sir.

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MessageThank you for having this website available. smilie

This would really help a lot in my preparation for this coming bar examination.

Without much ado, I just want to ask how to download or view your exam notebooks.

Thank you.

Ex smilie

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MessageHi Sir Ralph!

Words are never enough to express my gratitude for all the things you have taught us. I just want to say thank you and I want you to know that I never would have made it if it weren't for all the sleepless nights I've had trying (in vain) to finish all the cases you have assigned. Though I must admit that there were a number of times when I have hated you with gusto during my freshman year in law school hehehe. I know that passing the bar is just one step and I still have a long and difficult journey ahead. Just help pray for me and the other new lawyers that we remain as good Christian lawyers until the end. Not to be corrupted by neither fame, nor money but to stand up for the truth, justice and the underprivileged. God bless and thanks gid, sir.


Nameunlucky soul
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi atty. I like to commend you for having this wonderful site. Thank you and God bless u and your family. Sana po you will allow me to view your barnotes (unlock code please... smilie )

NameAl L. Beronque
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Atty. Sarmiento:

Thanks for the Code! I took time to browse your notebook and I was amazed by the presentation of your answers. Your knowledge in law when you took the bar was so vast that I could not imagine I could do the same thing when it would be time for me to undergo the same punishment you had.

I realized how much I lost during my first two years in the college of law. It was a stunning realization that woke me up and opened my senses that I should not take law school for granted. Well, I know it would not be too late for me to take this seriously now until I would be subjected to the final judgment.

I'm already a cpa yet I still want to achieve more and I find the law profession anything but boring. In my opinion, it's the profession of all professions.

I hope you can publish tips also for working students like me who could not leave work for a full time study of law.

Thanks so much for imparting your wisdom! More power and more knowledge acquisition!

al beronque, cpa
universit of san carlos
college of law

Private Message added 04-03-2007

NameMa. Victoria A. Bayang
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Atty. Ralph Sarmiento,

You have a generous heart and a caring soul. Thank you for these tips. They are and will surely be a great help. May I be wise enough to keep them up.

Gob bless you more.

Private Message added 03-25-2007

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