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MessageHi. i have a question for you...when UZ will be in chile?

www.koiak.cl chilena rock music

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Thanks for your music! Polish fans of UZ are on this forum


NameAdriano Kulpa
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MessageUnivers Zero...

A formidable group, unique in its music style!
I´m 31 years old, but I listening its records since I was 19.

Today I was listening Heresie.
I my opinion Heresie is a movie soundtrack that nobody ever writes a script at same level of this masterpiece!

Chers for you all.


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Messagero.Please rerease it.

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Je vous ai découvert dans une video de mats & morgan qui vous citait comme influence. Je vous ai ensuite écouté après un article lu dans le mag Elegy qui citait Bartok, Ligeti, des musiciens que j'avais découvert par le cinéma avec les films de Kubrick (Shining, 2001). Ca a commencé avec 'the hard quest' puis 'ceux du dehors'.
J'apprécie beaucoup l'association des differentes atmospheres explorees et la ryhtmique associée.
Depuis, j'espère un concert dans l'est de la France, mais c'est deja rejouissant de voir de nouveaux albums sortir.
Longue vie!

NameAlex Solano
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MessageCongratulations to Univers-Zero for his project, specially Daniel who believes what he does, I am a fan of thousands you have in Mexico of your music.

Best regards

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MessageHi! buy Univers Zero releases and loads more good stuff from http://www.rhythmonline.co.uk. We're a (small, friendly, independent) alternative music webstore with one of the largest lists of its kind on the web. Come and visit us? Cheers, Jude x

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Messagehi...we are koiak from valparaiso...congratualations for your musica...but...you must will visited www.koiak.cl...bye....www.koiak.cl

NameRainer Rein
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MessageHello and greetings from Estonia! Back at home again and being in ecstasy because of Univers Zero (and Present, saw unfortunately only the second side of that, both were incredible) concerts in Brussels on Friday, June 24, I'd like to say thousands of thanks for these great experiences! Talking about music I usually haven't real favourites, but on this friday i felt myself like day-hard fan! Seems that nowadays the main cause to visit Belgium is to see Univers Zero and Present on stage. And after that - yet the other causes: Belgian beers (for example Delirium Tremence, Kasteel (dark), Westmalle a. o. - some of them I had great pleasure to enjoy at L'Ane Vert beside UZ before the concert), Belgian chocolate, museum and works of René Magritte.
But something about the UZ concert. If to talk about my personal fave, then seems to me, that this was Kermesse Atomique (In Würzburg Freakshow I thougt this was tune from 80s - what aspirative end!!!). Then also Dense, Xenantaya and Presage! What (illusorily?) Eternal Music with fruity specter of sounds!
I wish You all the best going on with Univers Zero, great concerts and painless appearing of the live album of this unforgettable concert!!!

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