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Messageits been 2 years since our daughter now 4 was diagnosed with autism. I do enjoy the frank and honest readings from other parents of autistic children,as I find it hard to express to most people and to get them to understand what its all about.
we are about to take her on her first long distance holiday, it is daunting, but it shall be done.

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MessageMy son was diagnosed with PPD and autism a few months ago. I was given Terbutalin starting at week 18 and continued taking it until a couple weeks before he was born. He is a sweet, smart and adorable child. However, he lacks the ability to communicate amoungst other developmental problems/social and emotional problems. At four years old he speaks at the level of a 2 year old and we have so much trouble understanding our little angel. Nothing is more frustrating than not knowing what your baby wants and not being able to fix it. I just want to warn mothers to be against these drugs and ask you to please be careful when making choices which effects may be unknown to your baby! I'd give anything to have a conversation with my son! To know that he truly knows how much he is loved.

MessageBless you for having this incredible site.

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MessageJust found your site. My 10 year old grandaughter is Autistic and is doing great on a dairy free diet and B12 injections. Was mainstreamed into the fourth grade. I'll be following your progress.

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MessageHi- a female blogger friend of mine told me about your site, enjoyed your entries. Mine is newly up- but please check it out. Any suggestions would be great

NameAlison Webster
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MessageThank you for sharing your story. You are a wonderful writer and your experiences parallel mine! My friends son just got diagnosed in December and I will give her your website to read. Thanks!

Alison Webster

MessageHi Chandler's mommy, i understand every bit of description you posted. I am glad i found your blog. Im in the process of signing up for my autistic daughter at a sensory learning center too. At times i feel whether its worth the money but after reading your blog i believe that it will help her in one way or another. Your blog is very encouraging to me to go ahead with the plan. Thank you for sharing smilie smilie

NameEmily Darnell
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MessageI'm a first year college student taking English Comp one. I go to the University of South Florida, and for most Comp one classes we are required to blog. My teacher assigned us a rhetorical analysis for any blog in the blogosphere. After lots of research on the net, I found your marvelous blog about your son. I havn't turned in the final product, but so far so good. My little 6-year-old cousin, Hannah, has some unidentified developmental problems. It's great that you are so involved with your son. I commend you on your excellent blog, it's very well researched and organized! Thank you! smilie

MessageHi, me again. You can get your son back if you take the mercury out of his body. Autism is a myth, it is nothing more than mercury poisoning. Chelation (or other heavy detox protocol) removes the mercury. When the mercury is removed, the symptoms resolve. Hundreds of kids are recovering or fully recovered on TD-DMPS and other chelators. TD-DMPS seems to be an improvement over DMSA as it doesn't cause the gut flare-ups and was specfically designed to chelate mercury, not lead like DMSA. Five months into chelating our son with it and we are ecstatic! Amazing gains. Other parents say they've made more progress with 4 mos of TD-DMPS, than four years of ABA. Check out a good website describing all of this at Autism aka mercury poisoning is reversable! You posted a report that mothers of autistic kids had higher incidence of auto-immune disorders (like asthma, eczema, etc.). Well, that's because those are all caused by mercury too (think, these are common ASD symptoms). Whatever maternal mercury burden exists gets passed to the child during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is really so simple, if we just take the time to read the overwhelming and clear evidence that autism is nothing more than mercury poisoning! You can have your son back! Good luck!

Namemary shofi volpe
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Messageplease include me in your newsletters about autism. i have a 15 yr. old autistic son.


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