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How'd you get here? >:Ooh wow there's full discord bios
MessageHi Pepper! Somehow, I hadn't seen / checked out your website, but I just discovered it and it rules. This rules. I'm partly filled with nostalgia for the old web, and partly filled with sympathy for anyone who has to suffer through the process of HTML and CSS and javascr- you get the point. Love the vibes! smilie

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How'd you get here? >:OBluesky !!
MessageHi, NorisOwl from Artfight! I love your site so much ^^ !!

NameMr. Foxington
Locationclick picture for more information
How'd you get here? >:Oa certain goat sent me here :)
Messagei really like your website there arent many personal websites on the internet anymore they feel like safe havens 🦊

NameJoctus Pictor flor.
Locationclick picture for more information
How'd you get here? >:OAwful business, this ‘necromancy’ thing….
MessageSalutations from the businessman and artist himself! Nothing much to say, really…… except I’m quite confused by the whole ‘unification of Italy’ business. Did the Guelphs take over? Much to think about……
Regardless, you artists seem to be doing well for yourselves… Then I suppose I needn’t fuss!

God be with ye,

Giottus filius quondam Bondonis
from sancte Marie novelle

MessageTest message to see if this works smilie