Clownfred Zone

Welcome to the Clownfred Zone guestbook!

When filling out a guestbook entry, please note all fields are optional aside from name, message, and the verification code. The "private" option makes the entire message private, not just your information! Fill them out to your own discretion! :0)

The old, archived guestbook can be found here.

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Locationclick picture for more information
Where'd you find me?Neocities
MessageSuper awesome website dude! very inspiring to see this, we are similar ages and im just starting out making my own personal site, super cool!! smilie

Private Message added 21-07-2024

Private Message added 15-07-2024

Locationclick picture for more information
Where'd you find me?I found it from the clown test!
MessageThis. Site. Extreme. BEAUTIFUL!
I LOVE IT! I love clowns, and I love colorful sites! Page designs, drawings, characters...I LOVED EVERYTHING!

I've already added it to my "favorite sites" section on my site!

Locationclick picture for more information
Where'd you find me?neocities
Messageyour site is genuinely one of the most beautiful and creative ones on this site smilie

NameGarnet O. Aldon
MessageWhat site did you use to make this, or was it all made by scratch?
Clownfred: I coded my website from scratch with Notepad (the Windows program), and it is hosted via Neocities! The domain name comes from Porkbun. :0)

Private Message added 09-07-2024

Locationclick picture for more information
Where'd you find me?XRumer23Poipt
MessageHey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

Private Message added 28-06-2024

Locationclick picture for more information
Website/socialsprivate, sorry guys :(
Where'd you find me?124 conch street, bikini bottom
Messageboy this is some real nice place, my buddy jasper (emily) got me here, and i love it :D I like spongebob and ween and weird al and lasagna smilie smilie smilie

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