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DateJuly 14, 2024
MessageOMG u cantr find the silly lil song........................... smilie WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO WORRIES I HAVE A LINK !! smilie smilie

serph: Hoyl shit this is so FIREEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOWING ME THIS AAHHHHH IM ACTUALLY OBSESSED . IVe been listening to it on loop for the past who knows what ! Omg.. if ur ocs r anything like this song THEY SOUND SO INTERESTINGGG Now i am curious ab them :3c

DateJuly 14, 2024
fav song?carry on wayward son - kansas
MessageDSMP? Naw
i think that the right way to judge people when you meet tthem is by asking them what 💙💚 means to them. Only correct answers are destiel and otasune
serph: TRUE! If u answer anything else [extremely wrong buzzer sound effect] [revving up chainsaw]

sidenote i actually didnt know its also 💙💚 for otasune omg thats so awesome... Unfrotuantely or fortunately i am both destiel and otasunepilled. Works out for me GAD BLESS. i love u otacon and snake

DateJuly 14, 2024
fav song?song of worship by aril is...its literally my ocs
MessageWaves at you!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ smilie smilie smilie
serph: WAVES AT YOU BACK.. HAII!!!! oh em gee ive been trying 2 find the song u put but no results come up UEU UE UE UE . Heyeyheyy.. Ocs... Hey... Frothing at the mouth <--- loves hearing about ppls oc lore

DateJuly 13, 2024
fav song?oleander
Messageur like the first person ive seen on github that actually uses it for it's intended purpose
serph: fufufu... shinminase world domination soon... yeah believe it or not this is also my html portfolio github LOL people who hire me get lambasted with ponytown shenanigans. once, i had to show my github to someone who wanted help on their game and they were like.. Whats ponytown smilie

also oh my god oleander BASEDDDDD

Namewee man
DateJuly 13, 2024
Messageur ugly
serph: Ladies... ladiess.... Quit fighting... Theres enough of me to go around.

DateJuly 13, 2024
fav song?carry on wayward son - kansas
Messageright oh my gooood i love castiel. tbh all of team free will (0.1) are my favs id say idk. cuz i cant pick inbetween all 3 of them LOL

i can say that gabriel is my 2nd fav though hes never been an opp

(Side tangent but apparently people dont know wjat 💙💚 means anymore??? like what i thought everybody did)
serph: DUUUDE I LOVE GABRIEL youre so real for that HES ALSO ONE OF MY FAVESSSSS. Also i fucking blame that minecraft dsmp shit for taking over this emoji combo FAWK them this is the destiel emoji you will never be THEMMMMM .

DateJuly 13, 2024
fav song?carry on wayward son - kansas
MessageHELL YEAHHHHHN I didnt realise you also liked supernatural... i need to ask who ur fav is bc honestly i cant pick one
serph: (i cant pick either HELP) Im soooo basic but like castiel deserved better Jesus christ

DateJuly 13, 2024
fav song?carry on wayward son - kansas
Messagei lauf sherlock i whispered u on pt but still i had to go like 3 seconds after so !!!! im here hi hello I LOVE SHERLOCK I LOVE READING I LOVE YOUR GITHUB finally someone actually using it how its ment to be used fr. BAI smilie
serph: OH MY GAHHHHHWWWW THE SONG YOU LISTED IS ONE OF MY TOP REPEATS. Sorry . Watched spn and came out of it a deranged man. I love acd sherlock dude i fucking LOVE reading . John watson my guy of all time my homie ALSO THANK YEWW

DateJuly 13, 2024
Messageshinminase i have to commend you for the service you've done to the ponytown community. introducing atabook and the viewer count smilie
serph: heh yeah thats me... the ponytown trend setter /j HELPPP . Um. Thank yew i suppse! i didnt really do anything other than send it in the pt confess discord LOL .. im a simple man who wanted a 123guestbook alternative

DateJuly 13, 2024
MessageBYE MY WIGFI KEPS GOING OUT SND HELPM,. We will meet again soon Dont go to the hsopital.m ok. Oka.

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