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MessageOMG i had no idea u had a neocities... this website is saur cute and well done !! :D very excited to have a place i can look at your ocs and see many information about them... keep up da good work smilie

Reply :
yessssss thank you sm ... i'll be sure to actually do OC stuff this year, instead of just letting those little profiles rot away on the backburner. you should make a neocities too if you haven't already perhaps.......... maybe put all your little guys on there too..... teehee

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour website is so cute. The hero gacha stole my heart lmao. I'm at my lame WORK right now so I look forward to digging in and seeing all the cool things you have here once I'm UNSHACKLED from jira tasks later. Have a nice day!

Reply :
oh thank you!! so sorry about work ... that's the cruel world we live in. love your art by the way, absolutely INSANELY gorgeous stuff! *o*

Nametzar from modneo
MessageDevyn's profile is so cute that I'm jealous. You should def post more character pages!

Reply :
AWW ... your profiles bring me much joy, but let this encourage you to cute-ify them even more >:) i will definitely be working on everyone else, don't worry. thank you!!!

MessageYour site rocks!!!!!! Your layout and design is gorgeous!
Your ocs are so cool, loveee the idea behind Iowerth the Undying - I'm excited to see their about page!!
Your art is absolutely beautiful!! In particular, I love the artfight piece for BlueJayBird's oc! I loveeee how flow-y and curly the hair and the fabrics are, and especially how the combo of layout/pose/background colors and such lead the viewer through the piece perfectly! Leading in through the horn across the face and sticking there for a while with all the black lines framing the face making a perfect eye-catcher and keeping your attention, to flowing down the rest of the body unto the legs, where the tail leads perfectly into the ring of jerboas around to the right, where the eyes flow back into the arm and return right at the face again, cycling back through!
Reading through your game reviews was very fun too! Really nice insight into each game!! Had both moments of "Oh, I never though of this but makes perfect sense!" and "Oh! I felt that way too, really nice to see it verbalized!"
(also VERY funny how currently the only 1*'s are david cage games lmao)
I'm running out of characters haha but!!! This website is fantastic and it'll be a joy to see how it grows smilie!!

Reply :
😭😭😭 making me cry today friend ... you're the best!

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