Fire Ireland Guestbook

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NameMid Ulster Ex-Firefighters Association
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NameMid Ulster Ex-Firefighters Association
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Message[email protected]

NameMid Ulster Ex-Firefighters Association
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCome visit our webpage, sign our guestbook or even contact us directly

NamePeter De Courcy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for providing details on the sad loss of Tom Deegan. I was a neighbour of his for the last 20 years in Kimmage Road West. I last spoke to Tom, before I left for Malta(where I now reside), on Thursday 5th May. He was his usual self, smiling and chatty. This is how I will always remember him. He was a great neighbour and he will be a very great loss to his family, neighbours and friends. My thoughts are with them all at this sad time.RIP

Namenigel humphries
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagepics and vids were great great website

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NameFire Ireland
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MessageThank you one and all for your great comments on the site lots more to come in the comming months. If anyone has any pictures of incidents or appliances or anything to do with the fire service and would like to share them with the site please forward them to the e-mail address;s found at the end of our opening page. Thank you one and all from the Fire-Ireland Team.

NameColm McGrath
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLove the site, you can hardly get your hands on pictures of a bog fire on the offaly/tipp border, OY15 A1 A2 J1 and K1 attended along with TN13 A1

NameStephen mc mulkin
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLove your site very well organised
My location is on the Fermanagh border
And we sometimes come into contact with Donegal fire& rescue have some photos I'll send you of an incident we attended in Letterkenny oil tank fire

Namejames grimes
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagemember of fire depterment in the usa all ways looking to meet other firefigthers

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