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MessageThank you for sharing your amazing story! smilie

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Escreve muito mais do teu espaço, aos teus visitantes.

NameMichael O'Mahoney
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MessageHi Mark. Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook, and yes it is hard to believe it will be 20 years ago this August that the whole episode took place. I will definitely be buying a copy of "Oceanos Survivors Stories" as I believe it is an interesting account of the events. I was also in the SAAF for my National Service, and you have no idea how beautiful those Puma's sounded when we were on board waiting, and wondering what would happen. It was only then that I started to feel that there may be a positive outcome to a very ominous situation.

NameMark Fairley
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MessageHi Michael. I'm currently reading 'Oceanos Survivor's Stories' by Ian Uys and it's been interesting reading the book and your account of the story. My perspective is a little different - I was a member of the SAAF at the time and onboard one of the Puma helicopters involved in the rescue. It's incredible that it will have been 20 years since this miraculous event, this year. Regards, Mark

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