I N T E R N A T I O N A L S . 2 0 1 0  G U E S T B O O K

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MessageTEAM INTERNATIONALS!!! JERUSALEM!!! The most beautiful place in the world! May you soak in every SECOND of your time in the heart of the Holy Land. May you not take one single moment for granted! May the presence of God be more real to you then ever before in your life...and may you leave forever changed. As I was reading this morning, these verses jumped out at me as I was praying for you all. Psalm 5:11-12- "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them SING for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those LOVE your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your FAVOR as with a shield." Continue to walk forward in the favor and joy of the Lord. Love you all, especially you, Justin Friedman smilie

NameJennifer's Aunt Kim
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I talked to your Mom today and she said you were feeling a lot better. I am so glad. I hope you are getting the rest you need to keep up your strength. I continue to pray for you and the group to have strength and energy to carry on.

I love you,
Aunt Kim

NameJenny Wunch
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MessageOHHHH....I am so totally missing you all! (Especially my Momma and my dancers) I know the home stretch is the hardest. You're not ready for it to be over, but you're also homesick smilie
Keep pressing in and pressing on! You're all exactly where you should be at this moment in time. Look for opportunities to bless even after your last performance. The person on the street needs as much encouragement as the ones you have performed for. Keep being kind to each other....love on Amnon and Shimon....hug the ladies who ironed your stinky costumes....and remember your pleases and thank you's.
Israel on three...one, two, three....ISRAEL!

NameJenny Wunch
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MessageOHHHH....I am so totally missing you all! (Especially my Momma and my dancers) I know the home stretch is the hardest. You're not ready for it to be over, but you're also homesick smilie
Keep pressing in and pressing on! You're all exactly where you should be at this moment in time. Look for opportunities to bless even after your last performance. The person on the street needs as much encouragement as the ones you have performed for. Keep being kind to each other....love on Amnon and Shimon....hug the ladies who ironed your stinky costumes....and remember your pleases and thank you's.
Israel on three...one, two, three....ISRAEL!

NameKayla Wood
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MessageHey Jen and Michael!
So glad to hear you're feeling better Jen! We are missing you guys like crazy, but I know you are doing something amazing over there and that being away from you for a few weeks is a small price to pay for the wonderful works you are helping transpire!

I have to share this with you.. last night as I was praying for you something popped into my head and I know I'm supposed to share it with you. I always pray that the people over there will hear your message and their hearts will be open to you. I'm always praying for you to be safe, but also I pray a lot for the soldiers to hear you, not the other way around. However, last night..I can't even explain it, but I heard this "Pray that Jenny and Michael will have THEIR hearts and ears open" and I knew I was supposed to tell you that. I probably should have gotten up right then and wrote it to you, but I was exhausted and baby was kicking me like crazy smilie Hopefully the message still gets to you and you will truly listen today.

I love you so so so much!! Blessings from Eric, Kayla and baby smilie

NameLindsey Spencer
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MessageInternationals it is time for the most amazing experience of your lives!! You are in Jerusalem!!! Soak it all in, listen to everything you are taught, make lots of memories smilie. . oh and don't forget to spend lots of money shopping smilieI love you all and miss being there with you for this experience.

Haley and Emily - if courtesy smiles are needed go for it. Don't forget about Mount Scopus (Shimon style). Have some fun in the dressing rooms too like rollin down the river.

Marty - learn the names of all the gates into the old city and your way around Jerusalem. If help is needed sit by someone on the bus who can help smilie Keep up the great smile and love you have for all those you perform for out there.

I pray you all will experience a new special anointing on your lives that will continue on with you wherever God leads you in life. I know for me the experience of being an International will never leave me and God is using me in numerous ways I never thought possible. I love you all!!!

Dance and Sing your hearts out! Don't forget to Give 'em Jesus

NameGrandpa Good
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It's good to hear that things are going well for all of you. I'll keep praying for your strength in the coming days. All of you have been running on excitement and adrenalin which I am sure is beginning to fade somewhat. Remember to encourage one another, especialy you old hats to the new ones.

I heard that you got to read our letters this weekend so you know about my request. I was thinking, if you got one of the Israeli soldiers to show you how to disassemble it, you could then wrap each piece in a nice looking gift wrap and ask your friends to help you bring all these great gifts home to your friends and family. I'm sure they wouldn't catch on and would be happy to help such a nice girl like you. Just remember to smile when you ask. I hope I haven't given anything away in this blog.

Remember; God answers Knee-mail.

Joke of the day
Traffic Accident:

Well, Your Honor, I really didn't mean to get into a fight with the driver of the car I ran into the other day.

I was rear-ended, which caused me to rear-end the car in front of me. The driver, whom you can see is a dwarf, approached aggressively after the accident yelling, "I am NOT happy."

I decided that I would try to lighten things up and answered, "OK, I can see that, but then which one are you?"

That's when the fight started.

Love ya,

NameMary Faimon (Jenny's mom)
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MessageSo glad to hear that you and Jennifer are feeling better! Scott called today to say that he and Melanie got back to the States safely, so it's been a great day! You and Kayla will have to compare notes on teepee life. smilie I'll bet you didn't get rained on like we did! Sounds like you are having one amazing experience after another! Blessings and hugs to you and Michael.

NameMary Faimon (Jenny's mom)
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MessageSo glad to hear that you and Jennifer are feeling better! Scott called today to say that he and Melanie got back to the States safely, so it's been a great day! You and Kayla will have to compare notes on teepee life. smilie I'll bet you didn't get rained on like we did! Sounds like you are having one amazing experience after another! Blessings and hugs to you and Michael.

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MessageInternationals - old and new...you are about to take the best road trip of your life - driving to Jerusalem...take it in - there is nothing like it!!! For lack of a better word - its magical!!!!!

Baby - once again you will be where He resides!!!!
I love you with PASSION!

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