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Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI dont understand what you mean by 0.0.xxx G pulchra (CB by me Aug 2013) 2nd instar. $35 ea.

and I was also hoping you could tell me how much a G.pulchra would be with a legspan of 3/4 to 1 inch and if you have any that size.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am looking to buy a female Grammostola pulchra and am having a hard time.

Private Message added 02-13-14

Private Message added 02-10-14

NameJeff Taylor
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am interested in a female brazilian black. Can you determine the sex with any certainty of your 1.75" that are $60?

NameChris Emerson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi I was wondering if you had a Grammostola pulchra for sale or if you knew where to look for one.
Thanks so much,

NamePatrick Hynes
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei would love a 1.75" female!! it will be my 18th birthday soon and my mom will finally have a tarantula smilie i would be so happy for a female 1.75" or if you have bigger that would be even better! i already have a tank ready for one im so excited to care for one. I'd really like one O.O

Private Message added 01-20-14

Locationclick picture for more information
Messageola sou de são paulo brasil quero saber se é possível me enviar lings de grammostola pulchra. e quanto ficaria cada exemplar . desde ja agradeco meu telefone 11 97535 2493

Private Message added 01-13-14

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