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Private Message added 2016-02-18

Nameingar sletten kolloen
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MessageTakk for mye interessant stoff.

NameBob jacobs
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MessageHello, I had a very enjoyable flight with you from Copenhagen to Washington,DC at the end of June.i have deep admiration for the Norwegian Resistance fighters and hope to visit Norway in the near future. Thank you for telling me about this great website. I hope you enjoyed the competition in Fairfax and that Norway upheld its Viking traditions.

My Best

Bob Jacobs

NameSusan Adie
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MessageMy fathers name was William Adie, her served on the ULA and believe he was a sonar man. He passed away in February 2007. He had a hard time sharing any stories and well we know so little. I would be interested in learning more if there is anyway to do so. If you ever have a gathering of surviving family members I hope you will tell me about it. Thank you for posting anything!

Private Message added 2015-05-04

NameTrond Ramsøy
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MessageEi bra side mvh Trond Ramsøy

NameAngus MacDonald
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MessageUtskreven Kvartermester Fleten, Erling Ragnvald was my uncle by marriage ( Isobel MacDonald) . They were only married a matter of months when Erling was lost , my aunt never re-married .
As a child i can rememeber Erlings relations coming to Scotland visting my Aunt in Melness ( Kyle of Tongue).
Every year she would go to Norway to visit her inlaws who were more than kind to her, It was a great relief to her when Uredd was located and gave her pease of mind she also attended the service and threw a wreth where Uredd is today . I would like to hear from any of Erlings family members and would love to see some photos of him as there is only one in the family that has been copied many times throughout the years . Also has anyone got Photos of P41 Uredd. Kind Regards Angus

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NameMike fjortoft
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MessageMy father was Jonas Emil fjortoft , he was a radio operator on ula , he never really talked about this time to me , although he did open up a little bit before he died in 2001. I think the whole crew must have been very brave men , I still have some framed photographs of ula and it's crew

NameRoy Heitmann
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MessageMy name is Roy Heitmann, and my father served on Ula during the WW2 and some years after. He continued working in the Norwegian Navy on shore until he retired as war invalid in the late sixties. He died back in 1996 at the age of 76. When I was a kid he told me some stories from the wartime, but as time went on, he kept Things much to him self. I sometimes feel sorry I did'nt urge him to tell me more from this tim (and from the time he was a war sailor on Bosphorus.
I have taken the Liberty of copying some of the pictures on this site where my dad appears, to be used in my Family Tree and Family Book I am working With know a days.
If any one else reading this noe, by any chance should have any other Pictures from Ula (and Uredd where dad served a couple of times), I would wery much appreciate a copy.
Hope to hear fro someone in short time.
Best regards
Roy Heitmann

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