The crew of Worldwide Wendish Connection endeavor to bring up to date information on the different Wendish/Sorbian groups to you as soon as we are able to present it. Make sure you check back with us from time to time, let us know if the website is missing anything!

Thank you for visiting the Worldwide Wendish Connection. Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think and if possible send us your contact information.

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NameLisa Craig
Date16 December 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy great-great-great grandmother and children left their home near Cottbus in 1850 to make a perilous sea voyage to South Australia. I've discovered what remarkable people my ancestors were and what a significant contribution they made to Australia's development.

Private Message added 16 December 2012

Date19 November 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat site !Great idea,having a worldwide Wendish
Network.There seem to be more folks of Wendish background around than I thought ! Great !!!
Keep up the good work !


Date16 November 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageКомпания наймет на работу тестеров игр, возможна частичная занятость. Зарплата от 300 долл. Возможен прием на работу школьников и студентов.
Обязательно: желание играть в разные игры и получать от этого удовольствие, умение находить ошибки в играх (логические, погрешности дизайна и т.п.).
Если Вы решили, что эта работа Вам подходит, отправьте Ваше резюме (в свободной форме) на емэйл: rebesko"собачка"
Контактное лицо: Светлана.

NameDarren W Mitchell
Date13 September 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi I'm a direct descendent of one of the Schuppan's who migrated mid 19th C to Adelaide. Thanks for this interesting website.

NameCarel Ballack
Date27 August 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagethank you for the site. I have always wondered where and how we came to south africa. I have access to the family bible but have never seen it. I look forward to learning more about my family name and our history.

NameJürgen Koswig
Date14 August 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy name is of Wend and my ancestors lived in Lusatia at Grabin that was rensmed Finsterwalde in the 12th century. I am the 13th gereation of
the wellknown Lord Mayor of Finsterwalde Abraham Koszwig 15/08/1595-08/04/1684. The first Koszwig as Lord Mayor of Finsterwalde was Augustin Koszwig
in 1486.

Private Message added 27 June 2012

Date27 May 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for the information. My great grandparents were Wendish, and it was so nice to learn more about their culture. Thanks!

NameDan Carter
Date1 May 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Ron! Great to see this is all up and running and continuing to provide a very useful service for the Wendish community.

Let's continue to explore opportunities for synergistic projects.

Don't forget to visit the Texas Wendish Heritage Society's new website - the Wendish Research Exchange. Visit it at And also visit for more information on joining that effort.

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