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Namepaul at wodonga
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagenicely packaged. it's not the answer to everything about climate but it 'raises the bar' and introduces a bit of perspective to the subject.
what it indicates it that 'we' know 3/5ths x 5/8ths x F/All about the world climate.
well done.

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Good stuff. I apprecaite the work you have done here on Climate Observer.
Keep spreading the message - get the facts out there.

Private Message added 17-09-2009

NamePaul of Taree
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Obs, thank you for the huge effort being put into this site.

It does not take a genius to understand what is being said, simply a desire for truthful knowledge sprinkled liberally with some good old fashioned common sense. And a little knowledge of the past (if only people would read again instead of listening to blowhards & charlatans).

NameMerilyn Williams
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWell done Observer. You have put a lot of work into this. M Williams

Private Message added 14-09-2009

NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi and welcome to both my blog and my guestbook.smilie

I welcome your comments and trust you are finding my blog informative and entertaining.

I hope you will stay a while and consider becoming a regular follower of this blog. smilie

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