Message | I stumbled upon your blog as I seached the internet to purchase the Pentel P207 0.7mm Drafting pencil in bulk. I,too am a pen and pencil enthusiast; nothing makes me happier than finding a writing utensil that flows across paper with grace and ease, and I am so pleased to find someone else who shares my passion. I am very disappointed that I missed out on the August giveaway, as this implement has become my absolute favorite mechanical pencil, and I only own one, of which the eraser is completely gone. I have yet to locate a replacement eraser for this pencil, which is why I am so fervently searching out additional specimens on the internet.
I am bookmarking your blog as we speak. Please continue to review. I will take your recommendations to heart in my future purchases.
Collette Louisville, KY ![smilie](/images/smilies/up.gif) |