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I am sending you all my love, support and prayers to you, Heather, Daphne and the rest of your family. You are an amazing woman and an amazing spirit. You will get through this.
Love love love,

NameRebecca Langguth
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MessageHey Lady,

I just heard the news and I want to join the chorus telling you

1) how awesome you are, and
2) how you are going to kick cancer in the balls.

Much love and goodness to you and your family.
Will be thinking of you often and especially on the 23rd.

NameJeff Shivar
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I'll send positive thoughts your way. You have a lot of people pulling for you and I feel confident that you'll be healthy. It sound like you have been doing all the right things to get better.

Take care,

NameJoe Janes
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MessageMost people get lumps of coal this time of year, Judy. Leave it to you to do something different.

Hope you are doing well and I will continue to send positive happy healthy thoughts your way. The blog is inspiring.

- Joe

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MessageHi Judy
sounds like you have made some great decisions and that you have had some fantastic advice. Oh and I have been thinking about how you said that you filled out the forms, answerered the questions from the nurse and then the doctor asked all the questions again and didnt read the notes previously. This sort of stuff is totally normal and will happen a lot more through this process. It is sort of finding out these sorts of things; am I talking to the right person, are we both talking about the same breast ie they want to make sure they are doing surgery on the correct breast, do you have a good understanding of what is going on, are you adding anything new to your story which they can help you with, and a possible myriad of other things. So we are told to do this and it will repeatedly happen, frustrating though it is for you at times!
My friend who had breast surgery got luscious photo of her showing fantastic breasts to maximum advantage (without looking slutty!) pre surgery, mmmmm potential christmas present idea, or not depending on your sense of style Judy!
Much love to you and your family

NameLisa Herceg
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MessageJudy, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this...but I am so glad (and not at all surprised!) that you're attacking this with humor and total focus. You, Heather, and Daphne are in my prayers this holiday season (and girl, I don't pray much). But I'm definitely thinking about you.

NameMary Krawczyk
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MessageHey Judes,

How are things going? Hang in there! My love to Heather and Daphne!

Mary smilie

NameBob Dassie & Stephnie Weir
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MessageHello Judy,

We are very sorry to hear this news, but we are very happy to have read the journal to see that you are facing this head on. Your strength and courage is inspiring but not surprising. You've always been a tough cookie and we know you will get through this.

You are in our thoughts. Sending much love.

-Bob & Stephnie.

Private Message added 2008-12-07

NameSam Albert
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MessageJudy -

I hope you can feel the love of your friends and that our thoughts of strength and peace and wellness energize you.

Please know that I am thinking of you often and sending love.


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