The United States Navy Radioman Association Guestbook

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NameKrissi Meyers
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MessageI'm looking for anyone who knew my dad, RMCS Glenn Cook. Stationed at Gitmo 1977-1980-- Cheltenham, MD 1981-1982--NOB, Little Creek, Oceana and Dam Neck, VA 1983-1993. These are the dates and places the best that I can recall. I'm especially looking for someone me and my sister called "Roger the Turkey". He was stationed in Cuba the same time as us and was a good friend to my dad and our family. The last time I remember seeing him was around 1985 when he visited us in Va Beach. He was great at building forts with couch cushions. Dad has since passed away and my mom can't remember Roger's last name. Even if you aren't Roger the Turkey and remember stories about my dad, I'd love to hear them. [email protected]

NameKen Freeland RM3
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MessageRM "A" school Bainbridge class 13-65.2 yr CNFJ message center (COMNAVFORJAPAN) Yokosuka Japan 65-67. 13 months aboard Ticonderoga CVA-14, transmitter op. Pueblo incident participant. 5 or 6 tours on the "line" Yankee and Dixie station Viet Nam. Aborted Australia r&r, Singapore instead. Shellback. Hong Kong (WOW). Became Ham in 1993, call KF4U. Recently learned RM rating now gone though the bolts remain, can only imagine duties now. Remember "Bens Best Bent Wire" ?

Nameal breig
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MessageWas an RM for 4 yrs from 1962-1966 -- RM'A' school in Bainbridge (1962); NAVCOMMSTA (NSS) Cheltenham Md.
I was a fleet broadcast operator and worked ship to shore circuits. I love being a RM. Best time of my life.

NameBrian Remick
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MessageTo follow-up on my last entry, did not realize the email address would not post also. If anyone remembers me or knows whereabout of Jim McNeill, my address is [email protected]

NameBrian Remick
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MessageWas an RM for 10 yrs from 1970-1980 -- RM'A' school in Bainbridge (1970); NavRadSta Sugar Grove, W,Va (70-71); Com Fair Keflavik (71-73); NRD Pittsburgh (74-77); RM'C'7 school (Jan 77- Apr 77?); NAS (AAWC) Gitmo (77-80). Crossed to CT'O' for another 14 yrs and retired in 93.

Anyone know whereabouts of RM1 JIM McNEILL who was on USS Peterson fm 77-80 or thereabouts? He was from Pittsburgh and may have returned to that area. Don't know if he stayed in long enough to retire or ever made CPO...

NameJohn Bailey
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageRMSN at NAVCOMMSTA ICELAND Nov 62 - Nov 63
USS Tringa ASR-16
USCGR 1974 - 1995 Made RMC.
Retired from USCGR 1995
Would like to hear from anyone from the past.
E-Mail [email protected]

NameJohn H. Bailey
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageUSN Basic Trainning Great Lakes Jan 1962
Radioman A school Bainbridge Md Apr 62- Nov 62
NAVCOMMSTA ICELAND Nov 16, Made RM3 1962- Nov 16 1962
USS Tringa ASR-16 Made RM2 Dec 21 1963- Apr 26 1966
USCGR Nov 16 1974, Retired RMC from USCGR 1995.
Would love to hear from any old shipmates. I loved
being a Navy RM. Still copy some CW. Retired from Naval Weapons Station Charleston Electronic Tech.
GS-11. Jan 3 1996. Still don't understand how anyone can like Sunny Kef, and the Mo-Jacks from there. PH NO 843 563 4213. INT QSA. K

NameMike Kopp
Locationclick picture for more information
R 010101Z JAN 1978
UNCLAS //02300//
Ha! smilie Remember this stuff? smilie
...I was kinda a young knucklehead back then but, eventually, I grew up and I guess you could say I got serious. Suppose we've all been there to some degree. Anyway, got out and started testing AUTODIN terminals (RIXT, SRT, MDT, etc.) and installing them at all the COMMSTA's around the world, and a few ships too. Missing all of my NAVCOMMSTA Yokosuka JA friends from 77-79, and so many of the RMs I met traveling around. Would love to hear how you're doing. I hope you're doing well. God bless you all.

NNNN smilie

NameHenry W. Piel
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MessageRM2(SW) USN, 1984 to 1988. I was stationed onboard Commander, Middle East Force ('85 - '86)as a Stinger Missle Gunner and struck RM and made RM3 in '86. After CMEF I shipped off to RM "A" School (Class 860322) at SSC San Diego. I was stationed onboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2)in CR Division, made RM2, and worked in Technical Control during MARG 1-88. After active duty I worked at Naval Air Station South Weymouth MA as a civilian "GS" Tape Ape and then promoted to Comsec Custodian until the base ZKJ from BRACC 3.


NameMichael L. Royse
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTyped wrong email address on original message.
correct address is [email protected]. Anyone who has been to NCS Keflavik, NAF Naples or NAVFAC Midway Island please contact me.

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