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MessageYou know how it s Wendy s last night in the nursery when Peter Pan comes to take her away?

Private Message added 2016-06-07

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MessagePrompt service on writing essays

Private Message added 2012-07-01

NameTyler Peck
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MessageHi Peter,
I just wanted you to know that you have a fantastic blog. It's been extremely helpful to me, since I am currently brainstorming ideas for my own prequel novel to Barrie's classic. Now, I know it's been done by Barrie himself, but I find a prequel would be a lot easier to write than a sequel. I guess you could call my idea a "faithful re-imagining". I was hoping you help me out by looking over rough drafts of the story (which I have yet to write) and correcting things so that they fit into Barrie's canon (I'm a bit of a purist/perfectionist). Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!! -------- Replied via email. - PV

Private Message added 2012-04-27

Private Message added 2011-09-15

NameSara Wilson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Peter,
Ive just had a good read through your blog. Thanks for mentioning me. My 5 minutes of fame! lol. I really enjoyed your book, Neverworld. Happy writing!! :)

NameAnne Anderson
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MessageDear Pan-meister,

I read a book awhile back that was a continuation of Peter Pan. What I remember most is that the lost boys were tricked into answering the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

But I can't remember the title. Can you help me, please?

Gratefully yours,



I sent a reply via email. PV

Private Message added 2011-05-14

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