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MessageRespect, this is a super site! smilie
BTW I miss Mitsoura from this collection smilie

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Messagehi bluesman!
you are always welcome to my home!
thanks a lot !!!
all the best!!!

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MessageThank you very much for those beautiful records! Regards

NamePedro Leite
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MessageThanks a lot for all the good (and some amazing) music you've been sharing in this site. For me, it's like a fountain where I can taste and experience new cocktails of sounds and rhythms, and I've been "drinkin" a lot, this last days.smilie
Keep up the good work. Precious, all the information about the instruments, all the stories around each group and project. I've found some very good stuff in here, Bluesman! And I'm discovering hungarian music, as well! Obrigado.

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MessageYour website is without a doubt full of fantastic detail and also is actually really great to read through.

Nicely carried out.

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MessageHi Bluesman,
kedvelem ezt a blogot, közel áll az ízlésemhez. Dícsérem szorgalmadat és kitartásodat.
Ha megengedsz egy kérést: nem tudtam még beszerezni Szirtes Edina 'Mókus' Tesséklássék c. anyagát, nagyon örülnék neki.
Köszönettel: Payahu

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MessageHi everybody, I just registered on this lovely online community and desired to say gday! Have a good day!

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MessageDo you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! smilie

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MessageHi Bluesmen,

So much wonderful music....

Thank you for a fantastic blog, and my favourite music blog. I've learnt so much about stunning Balkan music from you, plus some great musos from other parts of the world. I hope you will post for a very long time still, and that you won't be tempted to trade in the quality of your posts for a bigger post count.

I also love the extensive information that you post with each album, as it makes it so much easier to browse through the site for music I've never even heard of, but that appeals to my own particular twisted taste.

Köszönöm a segítséget!

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MessageKöszönöm,nagyom jó zenék! smilie

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