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MessageI just joined glbtchristian group and found the invitation to your blog there. I myself am not very good at putting my thoughts in writing but I admire people who can. Keep up the good work and I'm sure I will enjoy reading your blog regularly

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Messagesmilie I've been enjoying your blog. We think alike on a good many subjects. I guess we should pray for a good antagonist to stir up emotions and get people talking.
Thanks for doing a good job. jeannie smilie

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MessageI'm happy to be one of your first visitors. You have a great blog here. It's very welcoming and fun. I'm sure it will be very popular. I hope to come back and see how you're doing. You might be able to talk me into doing one myself! I'm a member of Jared's Group and read your invitation there.

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MessageHi Sweetie...
what a cool thing to do! Your grandson is absolutly adorable! You are super sweet! Thank you for being a great friend!
Hugs to big daddy!

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