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MessageHej Rikke, jeg har lige læst din blog og lidt om dig...surfer rundt herinde på Global City på inspirationsjagt.

Din "lyd" gav mig bare lige den indskydelse at sige hej, og hvem ved, måske vi træffes en skønne dag.... lige flyttet til byen og kan mærke der er nye spændende oplevelser rundt om hjørnet :)


NameLindy Wafula
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Rikke

Words cannot describe your excellent work and the good course for global development that you have done through your Blog. As I read and look at every picture, I am encouraged to continue with the call to see women in Africa as well as others all over the world are empowered.

Through your work and Blog, I have learnt that we cannot wait for change to come from the big agencies only but that each one of us has been given the opportunity to be the difference that we want to see in the world.

You have taught me how to use my talent , wisdom knowledge and skills to make room for women to be empowered. By being a voice to the voiceless you have not only empowered women in Project Africa you have empowered me.

Keep up Gal!! keep up with the good fight of Faith. PROJECT AFRICA is behind you. Together Let's go to the TOP and plant HOPE in the crescent of the hearts of all those who are hopeless around the world.
We love you!


NameLindy Wafula
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Rikke

Words cannot describe your excellent work and the good course for global development that you have done through your Blog. As I read and look at every picture, I am encouraged to continue with the call to see women in Africa as well as others all over the world are empowered.

Through your work and Blog, I have learnt that we cannot wait for change to come from the big agencies only but that each one of us has been given the opportunity to be the difference that we want to see in the world.

You have taught me how to use my talent , wisdom knowledge and skills to make room for women to be empowered. by being a voice to the voiceless you have not only empowered women in Project Africa you have empowered me.

Keep up Gal!! keep up with the good fight of Faith. PROJECT AFRICA is behind you. Together Let's go to the TOP and plant HOPE in the crescent of the hearts of all those who are hopeless around the world.
We love you!


MessageIhhh hvor skægt, faldt tilfældigvis over din blog søde Rikke, tænk sig at du også er blogger, men så igen, med al din chat-og-mIRC-erfaring fra gymme, så kunne det jo ikke gå anderledes :-)

Du kan finde link til min lille beskedne blog under min facebook-profil

Knus Brigitte