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MessageFound you through CF Husband. I will be praying for your miracle. God is able. Blessings from North Carolina. smilie

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MessageHang in there Gina. Do the best you can and leave the rest to the wonderful medical staff and God. As for blogland....a lot of people are praying for you!!


A fellow CF'er

NameSusan Fennell
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MessageYou can do it Gina! I am praying and thinking of you often. From what I have read you are a fighter. I pray for comfort, rest and healing. God be with you!

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MessageMy thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, Gina, as you struggle to overcome these obstacles. May you have rest, comfort and healing soon. You are an incredibly strong young woman and I know you will come out the winner. Hang in there. You have a legion of supporters who are praying for you.

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MessageYou can do this Gina !! We are praying for you sweetie ~ smilie ~ XOXOXOX ~ joni

NameColleen M.
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MessageSending many prayers to you tonight - may the morning bring better news.

Colleen & Family

Private Message added

NameSusan Fennell
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My prayer tonight is that God's healing touch surrounds you. That the infection in your lungs is soon gone. That you remain strong in spirit, comfortable and that you get the rest you need to heal your body. Cry out to God, He will hear you. He loves you very much.

God Bless and keep you.


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MessageKeep fighting PEPE! Youre such an inspiration to all of who are waiting for or have had a transplant. We are all praying so hard for you! Don't give up!

Love, Meghann M.

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Message7-12-08 Gina, I know you have had a rough day, but tomorrow as the dawn breaks, I am hoping that you can feel just a little bit better. My thoughts, prayers and heart are with you.

Kat from WV

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