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NameMarianne O'Neill
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MessageI know the going is rough especially since Gracie is losing her hair but perhaps you could think of each hair lost as a link to her life before the transplant and look forward to her new growth in every way bringing new health and vitality with it though you may not be able to see this yet. At least this is my prayer for Gracie and her family, that all will be well and though you are going through difficult times, the way ahead will soon be uphill. Until that time, may God's grace and abundance keep you and give you peace and may each day bring you an unexpected blessing in the midst of its trials and when you look back, may these seem brighter than the struggles. Although I do not know Gracie's parents, I know her Grandmother and I know that her strength and courage are part of you and Gracie as well. Know that I am praying for you all daily as are many others. With Love from Florida,

Nameelizabeth bussey
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Messagehair schmair! some of my favorite people have little bald heads.
we're chanting GROW! GROW! GROW! very loudly so the new cells can hear! smilie

NameLouise Burnette
MessageWhat a beautiful smile Gracie has. Definitely the sign of a real trooper. Thanks so much for the updates. The hair thing...the latet pictures show that she has about the same amount that both of my kids did at that age. Besides, now we can really see her beautiful smile (picutre 4)and twinking eyes (picture 3. I am so proud of her but especially proud of her mom and dad!

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MessageGROW GROW GROW to the stem cells and hair. both will be bountiful before you know it!!!!!!!!

NameJenny Mann
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MessageHair or no hair, she is still the most beautiful little fighter I've ever laid my eyes on! Love you mucho! xoxo

NameVan the Man
MessageGracie, your bald head is at LEAST as gorgeous as mine!

I love you!

Vanya smilie

Nameroseanna lee
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Messagesmilie Happy belated Mother's Day greetings to Mommy and Noni and all other mothers in attendance. Yesterday, Grandpa (I don't know what you guys are calling Terry) gave a progress report at St. James. We were all so glad to hear that Gracie is doing so well. I hate that Gracie and Mommy have to go through the hair thing. The hair thing should be reserved for aging men, not girls, especially little, cute girls like Gracie. The good news is that it will grow back; mine did twice. I know that it doesn't help much to hear that now, but it really does and more quickly than you would think. I could suggest hats. When my hair fell out the second time, I wore hats to church. Pete Skinner (God rest his soul) gave me the peace and said, "so what's up with the funky hat?" "Chemo, Pete. Duh?" I laughed until I almost cried. Pete, of course, was mortified. Later, Pete and I shared many good laughs over that incident. I guess the point is this: Smile as much as you can. I am praying for Gracie's cells to grow and that God will return Gracie and her family to us soon, safe and sound. God bless all of you. Gracie is not the only trooper in the family. With much love, Roseanna

NameKristy (Ramsey) Gault
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MessageWe have been "watching" Gracie's progress through your blog. My bedtime prayers with my boys always include Gracie. God bless, and stay strong little Gracie!

NamePeg and Jim Phillips
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MessageWe are praying and chanting GROW, GROW, GROW!!! We love you! smilie

Namenicole blancheri
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MessageHi grace and family!!
I just saw the pics, and you are just to darn cute!! Wyatt sends the message that bald is GREAT! Wyatt lost his hair on day+5. Actually we could'nt stand him sheading anymore so we shaved it. We thought he looked awesome with his new do, as I know grace will look beautiful too.
We say our prayers everynight for your family. Keep up the great work grace!

Todd, Nicole and Wyatt

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