Mother of Perpetual Help Guest Book
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Namesuzanne drego
Locationclick picture for more information
Petitionfor good health of my mother and peace in the home
Messagepls pray that my mother will be cured of all aches and pains and she wl keep good health

also pray that my brother will stop drinking and my nieces will follow the right path and will also pass in their exams

also peter wl keep good health

NamePower Home Solar Review
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat site, I will be back. Well done

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PetitionThat my husband will have secure employment
MessagePlease pray that my husband,Ron, unemployed since Oct. '09 (with severence ending at the beginning of Feb.), will have a successful job interview tomorrow, 1/27/10, and be blessed with employment. I participate in a weekly novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and have all confidence and faith that she is intervening with her Son for this intention. I ask for your prayers. Thank you.

NameHolly Hall
Locationclick picture for more information
PetitionTo regain custody of my daughter
ThanksgivingThank you for helping me find the Latin Mass again
MessageBlessed be God, who never leaves us alone even after we have sinned. Please help my daughter to find her way home, free of abuse and control; please improve my financial situation, and may all the Souls of the Faithful Departed rest in peace.

Private Message added 2009-12-19

Private Message added 2009-11-28

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Messagemerci pour intiresny Dieu

Private Message added 2009-11-22

NameTheresa Siefker
Locationclick picture for more information
PetitionReturn to the Catholic Faith
MessageI pray for:
peace in our family
the return of my sisters Mary & Dottie to the Catholic Faith
the repose of the souls of my Father Clarence and my nephew Doug
health for my Mother Margaret(93),my Aunts Sister Olivia Marie(97) Sister Anna Marie(99)Loretta (103)
my son David in his vocation

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Messagequello che stavo cercando, grazie

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