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NameRobin Ballard
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello from the Ballards in Tallahassee! Your
ears should burn about 2-3 times a month when
Penny and I and kids get together for dinner.
We think about you guys a lot and are so glad
you are happy and thriving in Orlando! I really
enjoyed your latest "blog" and the girls are
growing so fast!!! Mason is still pretty small
for her age...about 51 inches and 52lbs. and is
in the 4th grade and was 10 years old last Nov.
Boy, time goes way too fast. Seems like just
yesterday I was in China. Wasn't Spring Break
fun??? We went to Panama City and "chilled" and
it was fun! Mason is involved in Young Actors
Theatre and piano and is making straight A's and
I am a very proud mom (as we all are). Thanks,
for the update on your family and I'll try to
keep up as well.
Love to all,
Robin and Mason

NameTammy Cotton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Boo - I love your blog. The girls look wonderful. They are all growing so fast!

I love being at the beach, too! We are busy building another house so we stayed home for spring break. It was restful to not have a schedule. Call if you ever come to town. Take care, Tammy

Namenancy bekah
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie really too too cute!!!!!

Namenancy bekah
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagereally too too cute!!!!!

NameLiz Dowdell
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI love the blog so much -
I want you to teach us how to do one -
I love my little girls -
thanks Boo for keeping up with itsmilie
Aunt Lizzy

NameDot Mahan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks are so darling...I want to sit and look at it again....Don't you think Heather looks like Carmen Diaz (spelling?) They make the cutest was such fun being with all of you at the Christening...I miss being close by....keep sending pictures...I love them...your little ones are so sweet and always so loving...cannot wait to meet Mary Audrey...she is a keeper! you much...kiss the little ones.Dot

MessageWhat a beautiful family. I love you all.

NameThe Junods
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi girls!!!! It's your Aunt Becky, Uncle Jeff, Parker, Bennett, Piper and Prescott! We are so proud of our sweet adopted cousins/neices! smilie We want to see more of you soon!!!!

We love you!

NameDeeAnn & Mama 2
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am sitting here with mom looking at how grown up your girls have gotten! Emily looks like she is 14! They look great and I hope you all are very well. WE are in Atlanta for Easter at Jennifer's volleyball tournament. Please give my love to all!
Miss you,

NameGail Wallace
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSo nice to receive your photos! What a lovely family. Never a dull moment, I'm sure!
Love to all,

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