Message | HI Jason, Thinking of you! I can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving (or the Friday before I be the wrinkled aunt with bags under her eyes. Uncle Dave tore his achilles (athlete that he is) in the first inning of his first game. Somehow, he felt the need to play on the Barnaby's softball team with Chad, Yost and a bunch of 21 year olds. That being said, my day starts early as I deflate the mattress we are using in the family room. Dave cant go up and down the stairs without a bannister and isn't allowed to bear any weight on his right leg. After I put away the mattress, get his coffee, go to work (10 hour days this time of year), come home, do the housework crap, give him a bath, blah blah blah, I'm dead dog tired. Thanks to menapausse, I get to stay awake all night and think about how much fun I can have the next day. With 4 dogs, I know I can always sweep up hair or clean up pee or pick up the little rat dog's poop! Mumsey has pooper scoopers come once a week and they have to extend their scooping onto our deck (where Lucy likes to go). No one in this house knows what a hamper looks like so I get my exercise by climbing the mountain of clothes on the laundry room floor (if I want clean underwear). Iraq is looking pretty good. How do I enlist? Sorry, I shouldn't be whining to you of all people. Especially after reading your post about all you miss. Thanks for that cry. Just remember how much we love you and stay safe. Hope you got a chuckle out of your hula girl! |