Sunrise Valley Miniatures
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NameCarolyn Angel
Locationclick picture for more information
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MessageBeautiful babies. I was happy to find you on marestare I will be looking for a mini in the next year or so and did not know of many here in the Asheville Area smilie

NameDonna Constantineau
Locationclick picture for more information
Verify E-Mail[email protected]
MessageI moved here from VT and live about on the Leicester Hwy. Do you have hours when people can visit? I adore mini-horses.

Locationclick picture for more information
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MessageI want free XRumer 7.0.10 Elite?
Give me URL please!!!
It is the best program for mass posting on forums! XRumer can break most types of captchas!

NameRhonda Walston
Locationclick picture for more information
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MessageIs Promise for sale? Thx!

NameMerry Black
MessageLooking good Lisa! Tell Oakley that if he wants to bring his toy over here I could give him lots of things to play with! LOL!

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MessageВот последние фильмы что я нашла в сети из рабочих

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MessageHi all. How are you?

NameJanet and Tony
Locationclick picture for more information
Verify E-Mail[email protected]
MessageYes, your pkg is finally in the mail !!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY !!!! So sorry... Love ya...bye bye,,

Private Message added 2009-11-25

NameKim Seefeld
Locationclick picture for more information
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MessageHi, Just had to drop in and see if you had pictures of x factor when he was older. You did!!
I purchased Transition of Power and would love for you to update me on any show results or what have you of his foal x factor if you have the inclination.
Nice website!!

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