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NameBob Rechtin
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MessageRecently finished Chimerea after starting with Mirage, now onto Aurora. I'm enjoying the plot complexities. I don't see these listed on your web site, but looking forward to reading your other works.

NameMichael T. Driskell
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MessageHi Cousins!
Too long since I've contacted you.
When we last saw one another, I had just aquired a copy of "Realtime". I wasn't that much into reading for sometime, and consequently I put it back for "later.." That became "where the hell did I put it?!"
Well, I found it Tues.eve. Mark, I read it during down time here at work, finishing the last 20 or so pages last night. It was GREAT! No shit, no lie. I couldn't wait to get back to it the next day.:] I do look for your works when I'm in a book store. No luck thus far, but I'll keep on.
I trust you and Donna are doing well. Money's tight, but life is good. I drop a line to your folks when time and inclination arises{St. Pat's & Easter the most recent} We are changing things here at work, so I'm not sure about MY email working. Do know I'm proud of you and send my love to you and Donna and your folks. God bless, Mike PS. I AM into reading this year. 24 thus far, mostly history and faith books, with a couple of novels, {1 ea. historical and faith},Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles"{my'73 paperback copy} and now yours! Keep up your good work. You DO make proud. Bless, MTD

NameChris Tiedemann
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MessageI am researching the Tiedemann family information. If you are interested please let me knwop.

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MessageThanks again for that copy of Metal of Night (from Context)!

Hope you publish something new soon.


NameBob rex Tiedemann Cornell
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MessageIf you like ask your father if the names Anna and or Mildred E. Tiedemann trigger any memories....Mostly New York city....Mildred E. married George Allen early 1900's..They came from Ireland around 1890's....Mildred E. brought into life Mildred A. Allen whom married Ned Washington lyricist...Wish upon a Star...High Noon..Pretty famous writer of lyrics. Let the wind be your guide as I feel there are no true masters only intuitive moments.......Enjoy the moment...Bob

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MessageReally enjoyed Hour of the Wolf. Keep writing.

NameDavid Nelson
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MessageG'day Mark, I enjoyed your 'Robot' novels enormously and am giving some of your 'own' work a crack. Half-way through 'Realtime' which is excellent so far.

NameSecret Squirrel
Messageinteresting post about the teaching position. I myself am ABD - I simply stopped caring and never bothered to go the distance and defend.

Several years ago a friend of mine at one of the Big 3 local universities called me in a panic - they had lost their "associate professor" for a masters course on a niche subect. A niche subject of which I am considered a local "expert". They called me, I said "sure", they printed the syllabus and everything and sent me a huge packet of forms to bring in the week before classes were to begin.

When they found out I had never bothered to waste the the case of paper and $400.00 on robes, they summarily dropped me as "unqualified". Too bad for them, as they have yet to be able to fill that particular course's teaching slot. Apparently there are *no* experts who are qualified for their (abysmally poor) program.

Be proud you stayed away from schools. They only teach you to conform, not to think. There hasn't been a "thinking university" since CCNY became CUNY - RPI & certain areas of MIT excepted.

NameDan Brouk
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I saw that you are friends with Darren Patrick from The Journey, the church I attend. I'm virtually positive we went to Roosevelt together, especially because of your interest in photography, which was basically our point of contact back then. And you kinda look like Mark would look after 30+ years! Thought I'd say hi and was curious how you know Darren. Sounds like things have gone well for you.
Dan Brouk

NameHeather Bowman-Tomlinson
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MessageHey Mark, just googled you and found this site. Will be looking for your books now.
Take care
Heather (from The Bug Store)

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