Hopefully, this one will stay slightly Spam Free. It is safe to put your email address in here too, it won't be displayed publically.

When you sign the book it'd be nice if you could say how you found this page, and what made you visit. Thanks.

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NameCurt Morehouse
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageFound your site from google lookking for lorrys.
Great site! Keep up the good work!

NamePhil Hicks
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust browsing the net for original 2000ad art and your 'Ron Smith' original popped up.

A nice page that one. He's one of my favorite artists. I'm no seasoned collector but I've always been keen to own a Ron Smith, Brian Bolland or Dave Gibbons original!

If you ever fancy parting with it please drop me a line - not that I can offer much for it as I'm always skint, but hey thats life!


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust fiddling with more options, I like the little flags. Ah good, I have turned those bloody smileys off. Happier now!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageRight! Let's see how long this one lasts. I certainly seem to eat up guestbooks on my websites. I did want to use Lazarus Guestbook from http://www.carbonize.co.uk/Lazarus/ but the bloody thing insists on using SQL to hold data. Why does something as simple as a guestbook program need to use SQL and why does everyone writing code these days assume we will have access to create databases? Grumble. Kids today, etc etc...


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