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NameTom PC
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI pop by roughly once a year to say the same thing. Bring back MIST!

Hope you're well Lorry

aka Lizzy the Witch !

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLol, at comment on facebook farmville.

Can you imagine the complains from facebook users if mist was available as a game on there !

But but but ... that is not right ... not fair !!

Be worth bring it back just to see the complaints lol.

Private Message added 2011-04-08

NameDame Charlotta
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYou're the biggest w4nker ever to be allowed on IRC.

NameVijay Subramaniam
Locationclick picture for more information

Was just looking at some of the old MUD/MIST stuff and came across your page. Been about 20 years since we spoke. Send me a email and let me know how things are going.


NameLord Sheep

Just read some MIST stuff...facebook and farmville just aren't the same...

Paaah :-)

Nameel barto
Messagehi you the man

NameBarbecue à gaz
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageAs your conviction is strengthened you will tumble to that there is no longer the dire to from a sense of oversee, that things inclination bubble as they will, and that you purpose course with them, to your great appreciate and benefit.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy Favour is Hellen, Nice to into you all !

NameMarcus B
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi. I found your website while looking for information on the old muddl language. Now all I need is a skilled bcpl programmer who can help me translate. :)

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