Message | How much more disgusting acts of submission to Islam is the world going to make? In America we spend billions on Homeland Security, why? Muslims are the only immigrants to come to our country and kill us on our own soil. What are they doing in Darfur? How many hundreds of thousands killed? What about Paris and the 10,000 cars burned last year and now starting up again. 2,500 policemen in Paris injured by these savages. Phillipines, Indonesia, England, Spain, 14+ countries being torn asunder by who? Hindus, Jews, Christians.
Enough is enough. Time for common sense to play a role. The rat in Iran promising to destroy Israel, the US then the rest of the Western world. Egypt killing of the Copts. What other religion dicapitates, mutilates, honor kills, demands obedience or death? Time to put these people in their place. No Caliphate now or ever. All they understand is a strong boot to the head. That they respect. They are laughing at the world.
Must get strong and tough, now or never. No more mosques. Anywhere there are Muslims there are problems. No Muslims no problems. Stop the insanity, stop the cowtowing. |