Message | Agha Dilbar(deserves for the noble peace prize) see our message in internet search Key Word: No-1 aghadilbar No-2 aghadilbar2 No-3 aghadilbar3 E-mail [email protected] Postal address:IRM(NGO)64-neelum,ait,Lahore,pakistan Location: Lahore, Pakistan,Phone No 0092427830084 Topic: Peace Comments Change the World with Peace and Prosperity 10-Million Urgent Peace letters to Head of States, UN, Parliaments, Political Parties, TV News Channels, International Newspapers, Magazines, Universities, Think tanks, Amnesty International , Welfare NGOs and Govt Contacts, all over the World Subject: Friendship, Progress and Prosperity for peace throughout the World I Agha Dilbar Founder International Revolution Movement have sent10-Million research Peace Letters to International Community from 11-September 2001(9/11) till today about War on Terror. ********Our NGO International Revolution Movement (IRM) has 3-Principles, Friendship, Progress and Prosperity all over the World. Our NGO, s programmed is for The Welfare of International Community and to save the Human Being from 3rd World War and World Terrorism. I Agha Dilbar have a Great Peace Plan for Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Middle East, Iraq , iran and Pakistan to stop and eliminate Suicidal Bomb Attacks and State Terrorism, all over The World. Some Powerful Underground Groups want to begin 3rd World War for their worst intentions.(To occupie the oil resouries of underdelop and weak coundries of the world) World should remember |