Serena's Travels - Guestbook

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Serena X

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MessageWow very wonderful ever and I think your are the one
God presents you to this world to admire nature, people, animals, can I say any more. No that is enough. I have no words for you expressive enough. I would if God
allows meet you and tell you how much I am impressed in your photographs and
love you too.

Thank you!

University of Addis Ababa
Ethiopia :


NameAndrew Dutton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Serena,

I found your pictures on PBase and followed the link here from there. I thoroughly enjoyed browsing your photos (one of the most impressive SE Asia travel collections I found having perused about a thousand looking for inspiration on where to go), but I gained most inspiration from reading your blog (which I think should become standard reading for travellers, bloggers, and aspiring photographers). Please keep it up - I just wish I'd caught it in time to nominate you for the Travvies awards.

I'm a professional photographer and occasional writer who needs time out, so I'm about to head off for SE Asia myself. I hadn't thought of visiting Myanmar, but now I'm hoping I'll get there.

I'm setting up my own blog to cover my travels and I'll certainly link to you from there. It was reading blogs like yours that made me choose to document my travels in the same way, and IMHO you've raised the bar somewhat.

I look forward to reading more of your views on life, travel and the Royal Mail, and who knows - maybe someday I'll meet you somewhere in the world. That would really be something.

Enjoy life and keep blogging,


Private Message added 2006-12-22

NameNigel Ritchie
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGot this link from your pbase photos..
I think your little
"Dark Side of the Moon"
"Time" mention says loads..

You have a wonderful sat of galleries and will spend an hour or 2 reading about your tarvels..

Have a good Life..

Happy Traveling..

Nigel Ritchie..

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MessageThanks for your comments, Kate. Regarding Myanmar: there is some money that must go to the government, such as the visa to enter the country and entrance fees to national monuments (although you can with a clear conscience, try to dodge these!); however with a bit of care, you can ensure that the rest of your money goes to the people. By avoiding government-run guesthouses and travel agents, and travelling by pick-up or bus, most of your money will end up in the hands of the Myanmar people. The urgings of Aung San Suu Kyi to boycott the country are not universally held; many think that it will be harder for the country to develop in isolation, and that boycotting the country punishes the people, rather than the military junta. The decision to visit should not be made lightly, and should be made after researching the pros and cons of the matter.

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Great website Serena! I feel I can travel vicariously through you by reading your tales. What is your opinion on the ethics of travelling in Myanmar? Aren't you just handing $US straight into the hands of the dictatorial military government?

NameRobert Santacruz
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am touched by your travel to the philippine islands,Im sure you had a great time. If you ever want to go back to the PI let me know, Me and my wife are planning to move back to the PI, You can stay with us for free. you can stay at the beach house at the farm if youd like, Rent Free also. There are lots of diving sites from the island i grew up from. I've read your travel logs, its good to know that you've enjoy yourself and my apology for those cons in the PI.
God bless and hope to hear from you. SALAMAT PO! smilie

Namewubshet mekonen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey there Serena!

Nice to meet you! how is life going? where are you now? I was browsing to get some photoes of the semien mountains national park by chance i got your site. It is really wonderful to meet you. you are a great exporer. Traveling is my hobbies too. But I had no chance to be out of my country.

Big differnces b/n you and me.

I hope we can keep in touch.


Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi... how are you krishan , 28m from udaipur, india...i like your much.. i do oil on canvas.. and have a art gallery at in touch with me...are you visiting udaipur.....take care ..lots of love...bye.

[email protected]

Private Message added 2006-08-26

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