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Private Message added 2009-12-06

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MessageAn antidepressant is a medication used primarily in the treatment of depression.
Depression can occur if some of the chemicals called neurotransmitters in the brain are not functioning effectively.
There are three specific chemicals that can affect a person's mood
Antidepressants affect one or more of these chemicals in different ways to help stabilize the chemical imbalance often seen in depression.

Namemcdonalds coupons
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MessageThanks much for that useful blog post.

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MessageBilliards, pool
Croatia Service

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Messagenice! i'm gonna make my own blog

NameBill Sweet
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MessageChecking via an invitation to do so and as it turns out from a family here of ham radio operators. 73

PS I am a consciousness researcher with the Spindrift Research Foundation

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MessageGood Morning,

I followed a comment you made on Submarines Forever and discovered your site. Very well done. As someone who's trying to stay in the Catholic Church I like your take on things. You seem to have a healthy amount of skepticism for all things, including our clergy.

NameJames Foley
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MessageHi Dave, I found mention of your blog at the Cookshack blog...

I looked and read and like what I see, and agree with you. The Republicrats are running amok. My feeling is that it might take a revolution to set things back on an even keel.

I listen to Doc Savage every night... though some nights his melancholy gets to me and I have to go find something else to do. He is definitely a deep thinker. Next to him, I listen to Sean Hannity. I used to listen to Rush and do on rare occasions but he is too close to many Republicrats. He is definitely too close to parts of the cabal that comprises the AXIS of support for the illegal aliens (Big Business - go look up La Raza corporate supporters if you have any doubts).

NameJack Keaton
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MessageNice blog, brother.

By His grace alone,


NameClaudia Lee
MessageHello David! Nice job on the website. Remember, question keeps the thinking alive. Dogma is Amgod backwards...hmmm...just a thought that hit me. smilie
Keep you light shining brightly, it lights the way for others to follow.

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